Monday, December 31, 2012


               Here it is the last day of the year . Are you ready for 2013 ? I think not , here our government is still arguing over taxes . they working on a deal right down to the wire , instead of doing their job in the first place . Its been my experience when you wait to the last minute , the job never gets done . You always forget something . Enough of this .
             Unlike our government , have you done everything and or accomplished every thing on your to do list for the year . I would like to say I did but that is not the case . I still have a lot to do that I am carrying over to the new year ,with some more added .
                 2013 , what does that mean to to you .  I remember back in , lets say for instance 1976 because that was our Bicentennial . I was 19 years old I thought that the year 2000 was a life time away let alone 2013 . I in my mind I had plenty of time to get things done . Little did I realize that as you got older the years would go faster with each passing year .Take right now for instance before we know it we will be thinking of 2014 . Yes it will go that fast . So if you want to get some thing done this year do not stick your toe in the water to test it : just jump right in feet first and get it over with . In otherwise just jump into your projects full bore , just get it done . Oh ; I forgot to ask ,have you planed for the next year . Were waiting to see what the new year is going to bring and play by ear . Well , it will not work ; I have tried that for to many years that I can remember . You will get any where that way . Yes I do have some plan for the year , details have to be worked out but I do have a plan . it may be a short plan .
               I want to grow my blog , don't know how am going to do it . I do know I have to put forth a more concerted effort . No more hap-haggardly working on it . Up to now its been mostly working off the top of my head .
              In my job I want to be in a better place than I am now . I know what has to be done there .To start with some classes to make myself more knowledgeable of my area of work .
             In my personal life I have to put some work into my relationships . And that is already been put into action .
            In dealing with with taxes and the economy there is not much I can plan for . At least till our government gets off its high horse and do its job .
            So in closing ; I ask you do you have a plan , or are going to play it by ear ?

Thursday, December 27, 2012


                         How do, go forward in these times of uncertainty , with a government that does not seem to be doing the peoples work ? I am trying to make a plan for the coming year on how to improve things . You can't make any plans ,not knowing how taxes are going to affect you or the nation .
                         So how can these people in Washington in all conscience collect their pay checks . really what should happen is if they don't get the job done their pay checks should be withheld until it gets done .Don't threaten the money that our vets and elderly need to survive . The wrong people are being held responsible for their inaction .
                       What is so hard about balancing our nations check book . There is not an infinite supply of money for our politicians to spend . Our pockets are not that deep . They need to get control over costs , and  a hard look on where all our money is going to . Take a close look at the aid that we are giving to other nations . What are we getting our money worth from them . Are they biting the hand that's feeding them ,if so lets stop feeding them . Just in that alone we could save a lot of money . Then all the money going to projects that there is no real need for or is already being done by another branch of government , A lot of duplication in government . The there is a lot of people in our government who may be misspending our money .
                         And why do government employees need a union . the government already represents them and pays them more than well enough . Those are costs that we do not really need .
                        Why does our Representatives wait till the last minute to work things out . What are they doing ,waiting see who blinks first .So you our Representatives ,lets get our collective acts together .

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


                   Now that Christmas is over , there only seven day's left to the year . Seven day left to reach any goals you may have for the year ; make any changes in your life for this year ; to evaluate where your at and decide where you want be this time next year .
                   Yes all of resolve that the coming year is going to be better than this year . Do we take the time to plan how it is going to be better or do we just go into the year and just let it happen . I my self most of the do the latter ; but this year I hope to do better . I have seven day's to reflect on what went right ; what was wrong and decide what am going to do about it .
                  This is the hard part being brutally honest about the past year ; my successes ; my short comings ; whats expected of me for the next year and most of all where do I see myself this time next year .Yea I have taken a few steps to improve my mind by enrolling in some classes . I am smart enough to realize it will take more than that . It's all in the follow through . Do i have what it takes to see this through .
               Professionally can I see myself still doing as I have done for the past seven years ; NO . I have to make steps to make the changes necessary to make an improvement . Is it some thing I am doing or not doing that's keeping me where I am at . I admit that at times I am not do as I should . I need to be little more understanding . But all boils down to though is that I am there to get a job done , and if your there to have a social life it is not possible . That's where the drama starts .
              Relationship wise I have a lot decisions to make . I have been in this relationship for almost ten years . I do know I love her but there are times that I hate her so . But I think realistically every one goes through this . I am so comfortable with the way it is now ,but I do need to make changes to make it a better one .
             My living situation cold stand for some improvement , but for this to occur every thing I have mentioned so far have to be improved upon . This can not happen with out improve other parts of yourself . They are all connected in some way and affect each other . Another thing needs to happen right along with it .The economy has see signs of improvement , If our government don't make changes in it self  ; nothing in our life's will improve all that much . We as people remain deeply divided on the issues we face . There seems to be little or no discussion . When there is no one really listening to each other . No can find common ground ; every one thinks that the other person has to give in . Or one side feels that they have to run rough shod over the other . Every one thinks they know whats best for everyone else .
           So in the coming seven day's a lot has to happen ; our government has to get their collective act together and solve the problem at hand . We have have to make the hard choices in our lives to be able to handle what may be ahead . So there is a lot to do for the next seven day's . It all depends on what is important to you . So as you can see the new year is not just about the biggest party of the year , Its about what are you going to do about the coming year . So where is your head at ?
       The picture to the right is me at the time of writing , 4 am and raining and cold out side ; kind of fitting isn't .it . With all question ahead of us the coming year . So this is where my head at right now .

Monday, December 24, 2012


         Here it is Christmas eve already . Man ; this year has gone by so quickly an so much has happened in the past year .
       We went through a complete election cycle . Some are happy with it ,others well . It all depends on how you voted , how it came out for you .
       A new grass roots group came about . Tea partyers , their effect on Washington has yet to be determined , only time will tell if they have staying power .
     A lot has occurred to me personally , some good and some not so good . The outcomes have yet to be seen .  Oh yes I finally joined this century , I bought myself a laptop ,started a blog and contemplating writing a book . I have yet to find the courage and concentration for such a project . I many ideas and have yet to act upon them . Enrolled my self in some enrichment classes .
          There have been a lot of changes that came about worldwide and we have yet to see that an end is near for any of them . There is so much uncertainty in this world being carried into the next year . All the unrest and conflicts around the globe . Kind of makes you wonder if it is at all possible for man to even get along .
          I looking forward to the next year , I am hoping for some improvement in the world , my nation , and personally . I have this custom that I follow ,well a couple of them . The first is that I must work on the last day of the year and the first day of the year . I believe that this somehow insures that I stay gainfully employed . I have done this for the last 15 or so years ,and it has worked so far .
         Another thing I do is buy a new pair of shoes to wear the first day of the year . This so that I do not carry the dust or problems from the last year with me into the next .I do not know if it helps but a person needs all the help he can get ;right .
          It is my hope that every one enjoys their holiday and the new year in a manner that suits them as they see fit . Be it Christmas , Hanuka or what ever manner you celebrate the season . Some of us will see a white Christmas other whom tend to go for more tropical locations but they enjoy it non the less though. It is what is in the heart not where you are located . Tomorrow enjoy your family gatherings , church services , your holiday meals . Oh yes there are the football games and parades to be watched too .What ever is on your agenda for the day I am sure it will be good . Remember to be safe so that you can see the new year in .
          Lets see what we all can accomplish in the coming year , so as we can make the world a better place and improve upon our own life's that we can . Enjoy I say enjoy yourself's ,friends and family alike . And thank you for bearing with my ramblings .

Friday, December 21, 2012


          Today is suppose to be our last day according to the Aztec long count calender . MMM is going to happen at midnight . Don't think so .
          Here is a thought maybe the guy whom chiseled out the calender could not find a big enough rock to keep going . How about this : its might be a beginning of a new awareness . Wouldn't that be some thing mankind find a new self awareness , of who he is , what he is about to become .
           Along with that an ability to live peaceable with others . The strength to discuss differences together and come up with an answer that every one can agree with . Now that would be some thing , but I know that is to much to ask for . For man kind for some reason can not accept any thing but total control of every thing around them . From birth we always have striven to be the one that is noticed more than others . We all at some point worked hard to become the head of the pack . We all want to be the one calling the shots . It boils down to survival , that' the way it always has been . For example ,take a look at our politicians , we can not get them to agree on anything even the shape of table they will sit at .
          So when and how will the end come , I have no idea . I know one thing , with my luck my numbers will come up in the lottery and two hours later at the stroke midnight the world would end before I get a chance to claim it . Now that would be irony wouldn't it . Finally have a chance to try out my day dreams and not be able to do it . But we all know that the world will continue as it always has . Many have said the end is near before and then it never came to be .
           Does this mean that tomorrow will officially be the first day of the rest of your life . If so what are you going to do with it . A day as significant as this ,we should not waste it some thing trivial or do we . Maybe we should find some thing grand to do with . Or does mankind go on as they always have unaware of this days possible importance . How can it be important if we do not make it so , or if no one knows it . Yes we may take claims of the end of the world as a joke and laugh it off .
        I say here's our chance to actually to bring the old to an end and start anew with a different perspective towards life and the world . Lets use it to make a better world or at least we can change what we do control around us . That is to say our self's , this can be a good starting point . A avalanche  always starts with  a pebble and grows larger . Are you going to be one off the pebbles .

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


                  Yesterday I wrote about my day dreaming over lottery tickets if I win . So according Albert Einstein I am perfectly normal . I also day dream about a lot of things around me .
               As I walk around doing my job my mind is always wondering . My mind is always on my job but I still let my head wonder and think about a lot of things . My future , my job , and my life with my lady and her family . I have yet to see any of the coming attractions I have daydreamed . Although half the time I have a little trouble remembering the details of those dreams . So that is a little problem trying to put in to action the fantasy's that  I come up with .
                Though some how that was not the intent of Einstein's statement . I believe he meant if can be thought of some how it can be done eventually . Given the time it takes to research and development of the idea . Then there is the trail and error period until you can find what works . I suppose this process can work on our day dreams to .
              We humans are nothing with out our imagination . Even back in the beginning of time when our ancestors sat around the campfire and told of there great hunting stories . When they told of the one that got away . Wait a minute we still talk of the one that got away and even greatly exaggerate it some .It mat become bigger and the battle it gave us maybe longer than reality . We are funny creature are we not . When many of the things we do are still the same as way back when .
               I tell you this much my imagination will never stop , I will day dream of better days . Not that it's so bad now . I have every thing I need ; a good job , a roof over my head , food to nourish me , a good lady that's been by my side for some time and my health for now . But one we dream of a better life , its those dreams that prompt us to make the changes to help to occur in life . So here' to my next daydream , oh that will be today . There's a lottery drawing tonight . I can hope can't he .

Monday, December 17, 2012


                Have you ever bought a lottery ticket and imagine how you spend it and the changes in your life you would make in your life . so that it would last the rest of your life.
                Yes ; I am guilty of going through this exercise with every ticket I buy . I kind of get my hopes built up every time and when the drawing occurs I do feel a little let down . I always ask myself afterwards why do you do this to your self and yet I go through this with the next ticket .Well that's part of the fun of buying that ticket .
                  I don't go over board with buying tickets . I only get one per drawing . So that's only four a week ,its only the big one I buy the mega and power ball . I use the logic of you can't win it unless your in it , and it only takes one ticket to win . The problem is your have get the right number combination to win . There are so many methods to pick the numbers ; birthdays , quick pick or you may come across a series of numbers you may feel are your lucky numbers . How ever you come up with them you still have have the right numbers .
                 The disappointment you feel as you check the numbers one by one and see you didn't get them . You might be one above or below or may get just one or worst case not even come close . When all is said and done you feel little disappointment when realize that the day dream is not going to happen that day . Then  your remember there are going to be other drawings .then life goes on .
                 One such daydream scenario I have is that the first year I would buy a modest house in the foothills here in North Carolina with a couple of acres . I would start a garden and grow my own vegetables . I would have a little building next to it with a little canning kitchen in and pantry . O the front side would be a patio with outdoor kitchen for cookouts and just plain relaxing and enjoying the out doors . I have also pictured a few rows of grapes so that could make my own wines both white and a red . In that picture I would make my own beer too . All for my own enjoyment on that patio . I would have cookouts for close friend's and family .
                I also thought of becoming a professional student and start taking classes a the nearby community college just keep busy and to keep my mind active , as part of that daydream .  Don't think that would be good way to retire and enjoy life . It all would definitely keep me busy . The question would be would I be actually be happy . I sure would like the opportunity to find out .
               For now now I would just have to be happy with my life as it is right now . I will have to continue getting up going to my job and do it as i have every day . Enjoy what I already have in this my real life . I admit there are things in this life I could be doing better with . But that is another whole blog .  And so I will have tocontinue on with just enjoying my daliy daydream .

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


          How often do you just sit there in your living room , riding a bus or just walk through a door way that you mind just goes completely blank . You know some thing was on your mind or you were about to do something , and you forget what it was . I done this many times my self . I would be working ,and just be rolling right along and you go through a door and wham , what did come here for .
               Other occasions that it may happen , you may be working on some thing important for your self and you need to come with idea's for some thing and you are just dumb founded . You just have nothing . When some times sit down to try to put a plan together , i just can't come up with any thing  .        
                At work I do a lot of walking at times I swear I become a zombie and just into automatic . Just go around and let instincts take over . My work still manages to get on schedule . With any thought at all . When I want to do some serious work I really have make a effort to focus on the project at hand . Like right now I am consciously thinking about this , yes though there is a little distraction from my music in the back ground .
                 The main reason I am writing about this right now is the other day I wrote about goals . I started to try to come up with some my self and when I really got down to it my mind just left me . A gone fishing sign was in the window . I guess the main thing is that when it come doing the responsible thing like this , its always so hard . I can imagine the life style I want but I just do have any idea how to get there . Its hard to sit down and make a self assessment of my skills and talents . It's also hard to come up with a realistic idea of what i can do to get there . Is there some thing wrong with me or does every one go through this . I know I need not come up with some lofty plan ,that is no conceivable way that I could do it . I know I have to find away with my limitations and know what it would take to expand my abilities . I know the first step must be one that can done with ease . Then from that point I should build on it . The question still remains what road do I take to find the crossroad . I realize the journey will not be easy .
                 So the question is how do I just fill my head up with ideas and all the junk that it takes to come up with a well thought up plan . The only thing I can come up with right now is get involved with some classes that will force my mind to work harder than it has been .  Yes ; I do know the brain is a muscle that needs exercise ,which I know I am guilty of not providing it with . This will soon change in the coming months . Man just can not go through a mindless  existence . When you do so you just go no where and maybe take steps backwards . You look at successful people you will notice one thing , they always got some thing going on ,always trying move forward toward some thing .That the state of mind I must put myself in .
               In closing I believe I am on the right track . Identifying the problem is a good step ,also coming up with a way to solve it is going in the right direction .So here's to filling up my head , but don't leave room for an occasional day dream . But not to much .

Sunday, December 9, 2012


               If were to tell the truth ; which am about to , I never really had any kind if goals . Other than make it to the next pay check . Yes ; there may have been many things I wanted to do in my life but all always just seemed be fantasy and dreams . I don't think ever to late to develop some .
                 Right now the couple I have is I enrolled in a couple on line classes .I did this mainly to see if I can handle it .I really want to remain committed to complete every task and do as well as I can . In the process maybe to really learn something . One thing I hope I learn to do is to be able to communicate my ideas so that they can be understood . My other is to continue working one this blog . Maybe my writing skills will improve I am not looking to grow this blog , that is the least of my concerns . If only a handful read it , I will be happy . I am smart enough to realize that there are many others that write their blogs to compete with .. Most probably better than mine .They also may have something profound to say and pass along . They felt it was important enough to put down so that we may read it . For me I can only hope that it may improve me on many levels . So guess I can consider this a goal .
                   So in doing these small steps may some larger and long term goals may appear and make them selves known to me . I am open to any ideas that may come to my mind . The one thing I do not want to do , is become so focused on a goal that I miss out on life . Just like I missed on some just trying to make ends meet .All I want to do is do some thing i can be proud of , have something accomplished .
                  The hardest thing I feel about setting a goal is know what that goal is and realizing where to start . Just take the first step is not enough . As in golf ; its all in the follow through , and keep your eyes on the ball .I hope I am making some sort of since , and not rambling to much .

Saturday, December 8, 2012


          I just gave some thought to something ; the Aztec calendar ends in a few days . Should give any credence to what some are saying will be our last day . In the past ten or so years what was to be our last days has come and gone and we are still going forward with life .
        Or should we just take this a day for a new beginning , a new understanding of life . Should we just take this opportunity to make the necessary changes in our life's and the world around us to make it better .
         People we are at a crossroads in our existence here on earth . With the unrest around the world , the people  in our governments cannot agree on anything . I know for myself I just want a fair chance according to the effort that I put in to my life . We only get out of our existence in this world what we put in to it . What gives people the idea that it is owed to them . People we have to work for it . We want peace on earth , well it has to be earned it just don't happen ,there is work involved . We want the good life well don't sit there and wait for the lottery or our governments to give it to us . We have go out into the world and seek it . Its not the end of the world because publishers clearing house did not knock on our door and hand you that big check .
           Living is not in the receiving , it is the journey toward our goals . It is never to late to turn things around . Like me for instance , I am trying to make some changes in my life , hopefully they will be for the better . I am also realistic enough to know it will not happen over night . First you must convince those around the changes are here to stay . You must be diligent in and constant in your efforts . No slip ups allowed . Do not not take to big of a step at first or you will fail .Take that first small step ,then the next and so on till you get the results you are looking for . If we change ourselves just maybe the world will begin to change . Am I making any since here ;I hope so . For me the trick is to take my own advise and follow through with it . I have made some small steps , the hard part is overlooking the critics . They constantly badger you with WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS ,WHATS IT GOING TO DO FOR YOU .  I just must continue on my own path and not worry about those who do not understand .
           So are we ready for what may be the end of the world or what may a new beginning . We will know soon wont we .

Thursday, December 6, 2012


          On any given day millions of cars , trucks , bus's and motorcycles take to roads and hi-ways . Each with its own destination and any number of passengers. The point that I am making i s each has its story behind them  , maybe more than one .
            Ever look at the hi-way and wonder what the story is behind that VW microbus you just passed is , or how about that sports car that passed you . So many different cars not mention types of people driving and riding in them .
             Just think of the accidental waltz that they do . Turn left , Turn right , or go straight on to their most important destination . I remember as a youth I would get my car and go for a drive with no particular idea of where I was going . I would cruise the main drag in town or run the dirt roads just to see the dust rise . How about hitting the road after a fresh snow just so you can be the first one to plow into the drifts . So many different reasons to be on the road . The grocery store , Doctors office , school , work , or even the kids soccer practice .
               With so much going on just on one road in a hour . Now just add the many roads in the world ,then the 24 hours in a day and finally the many modes of transportation in the word . With that you would have one epic story to tell . There would no loss for laughs , and drama out there in the world .
              So you look for your story or just live out your own epic as you travel on the worlds road . Start driving dwn a road to see where it may lead you and hopefully you will find your way back .

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


              Since yesterday afternoon I wondered what  I could find to write about today . I then remembered this object I would see every mourning on my way home from work on the bus . It sits in  a vacant lot where an office building once stood . A vacant office building to on side and another that is in use. There is a small church at the corner down the street that has a service that caters to the deaf if I am not mistaken .Nearby an apartment building and bed an breakfast . The silence of this lot is only disturbed by a occasional siren from the ambulances going to the hospital near by . This lot sits on a very busy road , that has a lot of traffic and there a bus stop across the street from where this object is located .
            So today I ventured over to see what I had been seeing sitting there . Much to my surprise the object had a message . If I remember correctly it had been sitting there for years .I only now had the gumption to venture over to look at it . when I saw it I just had to take a picture of it with the camera on my phone . I was delighted ;I have just found what I would write about today .
                           This brings me to the question why is this sitting there on this lot on a busy street ? What was going on in this persons life then when it was painted ? Is it giving out a message today that many would think as true today as it was the day it was placed there ?/ Mind you this has been on this lot for many years , just barely out of sight of passers by . Hundreds of people pass by here every day with giving it any notice or thought .
                            So is this toilet trying to send out a message to those that whom happen to take notice or was sitting there for some one like me to by chance walk over to look at it . Then take picture of it and write about then post it . Here's where I leave you for its not for me to tell you its purpose for being there . It's completely for every to come up with their own conclusion .
            NEW : 12/17/2012               In just the couple of weeks since I wrote this and published it for the first time I have noticed that this display has been disturbed and the east has been ripped off it . I can't help but think because I noticed it and wrote about it some body else took notice of it . How long has it sat there without calling attention to it self . I guess somebody did not like the message it was giving . Well that's the way it is now a days . Some of us just accept the message for what is and others feel they have to go out and destroy it because it does not agree with theirs . Yes ; there are people out there whom think differing opinions are a threat and have get violent to destroy those that differ from theirs . This object was not bothering any one it was just sitting there with no one taking notice . I guess it's my fault because I did and wrote about it . The state of politics in our country these days . They feel yes you can have an opinion  as long as it agrees with mine .If you don't your stupid and I will destroy it . That's the way it seems these days . Its a pure shame .

Monday, December 3, 2012


                How often do we go out our comfort zone . Not much : although this blog is outside my comfort zone . I am not one for sharing my thoughts and when I do it some how gets lost in the translation .I am often misunderstood ,it never seems to come out of my mouth the way i want it to sound ,However though ; when I sit at my laptop it seems to come through .
                I have been doing this for about six months or more and enjoying do this .I make time on my daily schedule every day to do some work on it . I am always on the look out for ideas . I now carry note book with me ,so I can jot down thoughts as they come to me . I am also thinking of coming up with a mission statement to go by as I work on this ; so as I can have some since of direction as I write . In my past postings they have been random and sporadic  . Yes I admit it ;I have not had any continuity in my work .
                From what noticed the blogs that seem to have any measure success the all been constant and a direction .I have spent all weekend working towards this goal . Searching and reading everything I can find on this , even took some notes . I am attempting to put some of what I found to use .
              I even enrolled in some online line courses the expand on my knowledge base , so as I have a little more to work with .I am hoping to to take this in the right direction at the same time improve myself right along with it All this energy that I am putting in this , people are not use to seeing come out me in this matter , usually I give up on stuff after a few weeks .They not seeing that in me on this .
             Well enough rambling for now I have got other things in this that need my attention .


                  Today a decision may be made on some thing we all use on a daily basis ; and I do not see anything about this on the news . Yes I do see a lot of other important issues being talked about . The fiscal cliff we are heading toward is very important to me ; but me being a new user of the Internet ,This has become just as important . I find a day does not go by that I am not on . It will affect many areas that I use such as Google + ; Face book : Twitter and so on .
                Are willing to just sit back and let happen what will . Should we let a group of people make a decision behind closed doors with out us having our say .NO WE SHOULD NOT . This is an attempt to voice my opinion  ,it my not be heard but I voiced it none the less . What I do not see is the outrage that this may be occurring . It will censor our use of it . I would probably not be able to write this blog that I gained so much enjoyment in doing .
                   Again as I have said before many times through out my blog ; this are just my thoughts nothing more . I am just making them heard . What are your thoughts and are you going to make them heard .   Here is a link to make your self heard . I already have added my voice in the matter. So will you add yours and start a discussion in your circles .
                 Just how important is the internet to you .

Sunday, December 2, 2012


      Yes; admit it we all have those guilty pleasures that bring us such joy . They could be some thing simple or even something extravagant . Yet they are ours to enjoy and with some of them I get down right possessive over them to the point I will not share them with anyone . Some of them they are mine alone period .
* Playing air guitar while listening to my music . I don't know what happens but when the music gets to jamming real good some thing possesses me and I have stop right and grab a broom stick and wale .
* Chocolate snacks ; me thinks I am not the only one here with this aliment right .Come on every one be honest this has got to be one of yours too.
*Coffee . Some thing about a good cup of coffee in the mourning on a bright sunny ,chilly mourning while standing out on the step on a Sunday mourning before the rest of the world gets moving . It just plain relaxing . Nothing more can be said .
*Here's an odd one . A grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a cup of tomato soup . Nothing says mommas love more than that. Back home when I was a youth Mom would would have that waiting on us when we came in from shoveling snow off the drive way . It was so welcome and still is .
* A long soak in a hot tub when borrowing the lady's bath beads . I think I said enough on this .If she reads this I may be in trouble But it is so refreshing .
*A good movie no matter how many times I have seen it . I am that way with Humphrey Bogart movies. I can watch CASABLANCA , AFRICAN QUEEN . OR JOHN WAYNE'S  THE QUIET MAN .  There's something about movies that bring me back to a simpler time in life .
* Sitting down to a burger a some fast food joint or some where . By far I have found the burger and fries and some small lounge with an ice cold draft beer is the ultimate burger in my eyes . It can be just plain sinful if its made to perfection .
* Plane's ,Trains , and Car's . No matter how grown we are then little boy always come right out of me when I see one of these , The bigger the better . Oh yea , we better add trucks and earth movers and construction equipment .I can stand there and watch them do their work all day .
* This might sound odd but I do get some pleasure out of good hard nights work . Some thing about being elbow deep in some hard work just feels so good ,especially when its done . The since of accomplishment just feels so good . What about you .
* Now to the last one , now I must tell you I did not put these in order of their importance . This one is what I am doing right now ;this blog . I started this a few months ago . What surprises me is how I kept it up and how much my writing skills have improved over time , I know I am not there yet and have much to learn . Another thing surprises me is that i do really have some thing to say .  The pleasure also comes from some one is actual reading this.
                   There they are in a nut shell . By all means this is not a total list and many of these may not be in my top ten . These just the ones that come to mind at this moment .I am sure if I put more time in this I could come up with a bigger list .So how many of these fit in to your list or is your completely different . Have fun with your guilty pleasures , I know I will enjoy mine .



          The above statement sure says a lot alone and by it self  you think . Maybe this ought to be read at the beginning of every day to our congress and senate . It definitely should be on a placard on the Presidents desk .  They sure will not listen to others views unless they agree with them . Take the show the View they border on idiocy when they see one that disagrees with them . So much so that they resort to throwing out insults .
           I don't for sure but it may be contagious because everyday in my travels through out my city on public transportation I hear the same kind of ignorance . Help if you disagree with them about politics and religion . Sports I can understand the loyalty no matter the teams record , that's your team for better or worse , But are you that insecure about your beliefs that you will not listen to what others have to say . You may be passing up a chance to change some ones mind , or may learn some thing from another's opinion . They may have some facts that you are unaware of  ; for that matter you may educate them .
           From what I understand knowledge is a two way street not a dead end dirt road  with one way in and one way out . Some one tell me if I am wrong it should be a continual learning process . There will be some one that have a better idea or it may take a combination of all to make it happen . If experience taught one thing there will always be something new to learn or try nothing is set in stone . 
         So what I am saying ;from the President right on down to the lowest levels of government get of your high horses and talk to each other and make it happen . As we have to in our ever day lives outside the beltway . We have no choice but make it happen with the tools you allow us to use . We put you there to make it work ; no excuses . 


        yes ; I do have  a favorite station to list to while I am searching the web ;working this blog and just cleaning house .Right now I have the door open to let the fresh air in , a curtain open to let the light in while I am working on this blog right now . In the back ground I have playing and it has some good jams playing for inspiration .It may be from out of Germany but man the music is good . I hear stuff that I just seem to find any where else .
       I have been listen to this station for pretty much over a year now and it has yet to disappoint me . I can count on it to take me to the crossroads and get my mojo running . It plays BLUES ; CLASSIC ROCK ;BLUES ROCK KOLN  60'S AND 70'S .
       You will hear the likes of Buddy Guy  , Freddie King ,B.B. king and of course Eric Clapton . There will be Jimmy Hendrix , Led Zeppelin ,Jimmie Vaughan . The list could go on and you also hear some from out Germany and other locals .All are just as good in their own right . You wll not hear any sub-par music here . Its all worth listening to and passing a afternoon with .Don't take my word for it ;give it a listen to your self . You be the judge ,as for me the verdict is in .



        Man ; only if only i came across this quote earlier in my life But then would I have listened . You know how we where when we were young . We new everything and no one could tell us anything and we thought we are young there is plenty of time for that later . Yea right ; before you know it life hits us in the face . Time slips away fast and boom all of a sudden we marry , children arrive , we all of sudden have responsibilities . For some of us ; me in particular we realize we should of been preparing instead of all that partying . I heard one person recently something to the effect as an excuse " I'm young " . I don't know how many times I thought that myself . 
         But you know there is always time to heed that advice , because after today you still have the rest of your life to take on that responsibility of your future , no matter what your age . The trick is do we have tenacity and the will power to make it happen . If we do the first task is to imagine what kind of future we want for ourselves and make the first step toward that future . Then each make some kind of step no matter how small towards the progress of that future we imagined for our selves . 
         For me the trick is just being able just take my own advise to heart . Lord knows I am the biggest procrastinator , and I am good at coming up with excuses for not doing it . I realize that I can no longer can accept the excuses from myself . I have to to learn to come up with the energy and strength and faith in myself to make that step toward that uncertainty . Your can not achieve success without failing first . We will always have our failures along the way to what we want . 
         One other thing we have have to take the time to imagine what that future for us will be . We can't take that first step with knowing where we are going . We can not wonder aimlessly toward a future . Its not accidentally hit us in the face . Most of are not that lucky . I know I not ; If it were not for bad luck I would not have any luck at all . "  Shoot I been plying the lottery for over twenty years and have yet win anything .  We can not it and wait for the lottery ; the odds are against us on that . 
          We to get out and do it our selves those are the odds that we can control by our actions . I tell today I am going to make that first step some how into that future , what ever that is . We definitely can not wait for our governments do it for us . They can't even agree amongst themselves to solve the problems our countries face right now let alone their futures .Shoot they don't listen to the people they represent . So in that final thought it all , i mean all the responsibility completely rest on our shoulders . The question is now what are we gonna do do with that responsibility !

Thursday, November 29, 2012


                           I got kind of an early start I guess . Today I started to play around with some of the features on laptop and printer , This is what I came up with . I used some photos I made in the past year of Charlotte N.C. .While do so I enjoyed my self and learned a lot about my equipment . Which is a good thing . So it is my hope that every one has a safe and enjoyable holiday season . Lets make it a point to be around for the coming year .I thank all whom have read my meanderings for the past year . I would like to say it helped me learn a lot about my self , I hope that my blogs will get better and more meaningful in the year to come.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                         Today I am going back to a couple of the original intents of my doing this blog . This mourning I got up to a disturbing post on my Face book page which I had not sent . It turned out to a virus that had been going around . One thing that was troublesome about it was that it was accusing my friends of posting an image of me that's not in positive a light . Besmirching  my reputation is not good at all . The curiosity of most people will cause most to open the link that contained the virus . Whats got me is that people will think that much of you to see what kind of dirt they can get on you .
                      This just gets my goat in an uproar .  Seeing that I believe the Internet is a good thing . I see it as a way of leaving something of who you are for future generations . Its a way of leaving behind more than birth certificates , census reports and other documents . Its a way of leaving your thoughts and more about whom you are for them to find . How often do we look at old family photos and wonder what they were thinking .  I know I have .
                        In my starting of this hobby that was and still my intent . This my thoughts from the head . That's where this invasion belongs flushed right down the head .
                       What I do not understand is what do people hope they can gain from sending these kind of post around the Internet . It can cause damage to long time friendships and costly damage to our equipment . The equipment can be repaired easily enough  , but the damage to relationships are harder to repair even if no one was at fault but the hacker .
                     Yes I  do know there are people in this world whom have ill intent in this world . All you have to do is turn on the news and you see it every where . Its just the world we live in , but you would think with all the century's of man kinds existence we would of some how found a way to live together . It seems that all every one wants to to is step on the next guy just because they can .
                   We got the mess in the middle east ; the mess with my own government in the U.S. , the world wide economic crisis among other things .Its a wonder that we some how keep on trucking . How do we manage to go on with our lives with the minefield ahead of us  I know we must keep on with our lives , but down the road we must put a stop to it all .
                  Well I think its time for me to get of the john and get on with life .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


             Today I may be at a loss . I just do not know what say about our world today . Why can't I see it : or has our world gotten so complicated that there are no easy answers for anything . We today face such an uncertain future ; the economy is moving so slow if at all . Then there is all the unrest in the world ; our nation is so tied up in it to .People are still trying to put their lives back together after the super storm Sandy  .
             Is this just a prelude to the end of the Aztec calender . Some people say that the world is supposed to come to an end . I purpose that it represents a new beginning ; maybe a new understanding . We can never see our world the same as we had in the past . In today's day and age we are so connected to each other . We must realize what is affecting some one across the globe will in some way will affect us here ." For every action there is an equal or greater reaction ."
              Some how we all must find a way to make this work for the future . What ever we do today will forever affect what we can do in the future . We must be careful in how we proceed from here . I do not have any answers for anything that our government has before them , but I know this what ever they come up with there will be some cost to all of us in some way .

Monday, November 19, 2012


                 Here are st the start of the week , many are looking forward to later on this week . Most of us will be sitting down to a big table full of the normal thanksgiving feast with family and friends . Yes there will be parades , football games and lots of conversation .
                 Please keep in mind those that can not participate . Be that they are in the military , police . work at a health care facility or other reasons that are to varied to list . The world does not stop or take a holiday because we do . We must always remember that the worlds always turns on its axis .
             I just wanted to mention this , we do at times forgot that the world never sleeps . When wake up there will be some thing new in the news ;be it good or bad . Yes ; we must keep our life moving forward and not let world events disrupt our life's  . Still we must pay attention to whats going on around us and remember that in some way it will affect us .It may not be known how yet ; but it will in the future .
            So still enjoy your family day to the fullest and when its over its back to work . Yes maybe we will have to increase or efforts to maintain a healthy life .That may mean a extra mile in our daily walk ; while keeping in mind that the holiday season is not over yet . All the holiday gatherings between now and the end of the year . We must stay safe . I would like see every one make it to next year , so we all can work together and get this country running again . We all have a lot of work ahead of us . We need get our elected officials to realize that they work for us . They need to solve our deficit problem ; improve our job market in some way ; and reassure we the people that they are there for us .
            I wish end by saying   HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Sunday, November 18, 2012


                  Today's blog maybe short ; but I do have something to say none the less . It's that time of year that we have been waiting for all year . For most of us it's thanksgiving , a time to share a meal with family , and see people you may not seen in a year .
                  For those in the know though ; know what I am talking about . It's the game that I have been waiting for all year . To some of us it's the whole season . I remember as a youth , how life stood still on the day of this game . Yes ; we did pay attention to the whole season but that was just the warm up for the game . When fall came that meant FOOTBALL season ; college football . On Saturdays out came the cold cuts , breads of all kinds ,cider and Michigan Wolverines . Yes I said it ; I am a Wolverine fan . Next Saturday is thee game , the only game . We play the Buckeyes . You want to see a game Watch this game . there are not just the team on the field ; there are the fans in the stadium , the marching band ; all those at home glued to the TV and radio hanging on every play . They all are playing the game in their own way . So all in all I have only one thing to say .
                GO WOLVERINES

Saturday, November 17, 2012


              As you can see in the picture its a nice day out even if its a little chilly . I took this on my mourning outing . A typical fall day . The kind of day you need to be out tailgating at a football game ; grill going with some brats and onions . MMMMM GOOD .  But I am back home , with the door open with the breeze blowing in ; curtains open to let the wonderful sun shine in . Got some Blue Grass playing . So relaxing .
                I have yet to turn on the TV today , don't know if I want to. Don't want some of the news to spoil such a pleasant day . A lot of the music I am listening is from the various incarnations of Jerry Garcia , He was such a talented man . I could listen to his jams all day , and maybe I might get some work done . Finnish reading that book I started .
                   I found this quote the other day that I like and goes along with what I been saying for a while .
  " Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made ."  > Dr. Wayne Dyer 
                  I totally believe this ; we are where we are at in live because of all our experiences and the paths we have chose to travel in our live's . We do not always make the right choices but hopefully we don't stray to far off our paths . If we do it's always never to late to readjust our direction in life . There is always another crossroad in life . We just have to aware enough to see it and be willing to make that first step ; have the courage to make the next one .
               Well I need to go now but I hope to see you out there on the road .

Friday, November 16, 2012


                What a wonderful fall day ; cool crisp breezes ; sun shinning and in a good mood . Got off work feel good about myself . As soon as I got home I went back out and took a walk to get something to eat ; the weather just felt so good . Yes I know it's starting get colder out , but with it the way it is it just wonderful as it is . The mile long walk just cleared my head and got me ready to take a nap before I go to work tonight . I so realize that I need to get out during the day light more often . Its just good for my soul .
              Because I sleep during the day I miss out on so much . I just have to make a concerted effort to get out and become a part of the world around me . The breeze is strong enough to get out to fly a kite ; but that is something you would do during the spring . I am off this weekend , I think I shall put some thing on the grill . It would be just perfect for the Michigan Wolverine game tomorrow . But I am looking forward to next weeks game that is the whole season to me . Michigan VS Ohio ; GO WOLVERINES .
                 Yes I know I am not write about anything important ; the idea right now is just write for sake of writing . It's important for me just to put some thing out there . It helps me to get better at it and to think quick and come up with some thing to say .
                The whole point is that I feel relaxed and ready for what is next . Its not often that I can enjoy my mourning as I have . So tell me how many of you out there may be waiting for next weeks game .
                  Oh; shoot is true I just heard on the news that the people who made a staple for school lunches as kids is going out business . Say it not so ! That means no Twinkies , Snowballs ,Cupcake or even wonder bread . School lunches will never be the same . Grandparents will not be able to share a moment with the grand kid's .by sharing a Twinkies with the on a Saturday afternoon while watching cartoons . There goes an excuse to be a kid again . Bummer.
                Well ; it time I leave and tomorrow I will have some thing to blog about . I promise .

Thursday, November 15, 2012


                             As I sit here this mourning , listening to the news I begin to wonder is there anything positive happening in the world . The recent controversy in the past week , the senate investigation , the recent unemployment numbers , the trouble's going on through out the mid east , and the on going recession in Europe . With all this going on I begin to wonder how we are going to get to the other side and when it will happen .
                            But then I remember all the trials and tribulation's that we as a human race have gone through history . We always some how make a way . It may take awhile but it will happen . We are resilient and adapt to our surroundings . We all just have to some how come together ; but that's the bite . We all have different ideas on what should be ,and how things need to occur . \
                         So how do we make that first step , first it must occur where we do have control over in our own little universe . By making that first step in our needs . We must find a way to take care of our family's . Increasingly are finding that we can not rely on our governments for the answers . So must on our own do what is necessary . We must work hard at the jobs we do have and some how make the ends meet . Maybe in so doing ; not giving up we may on our own turn the economy around . It's up to us to find a way while our officials argue among them selves and in public view on TV .
                          I don't have have the answers on how this can be done ; but by our perseverance we may accomplish this . What I am saying is I am sick and tired of being sick and tired . I know there is a better life out there for me . We just work day in and day out ,wondering how long our jobs will last .
                         I not sitting here complaining , I enjoy working hard and having something to to do each day . Its the stress of what our governments are putting in our way of success . Well I think I said enough ; I will keep on keeping on and I am sure every one out there will do the same .


                     On this chilly mourning here in Charlotte NC ; it's 37 degrees and raining . I made made my self the Best breakfast for a cold mourning , Cream of Wheat . I remember living at home as a youth during those cold Michigan winters my Mom would send us of to school with a breakfast such as this . It was much desired and welcomed .
                 We would head out the door bundled up , with the two or three foot deep snow and at times deeper . We lived out in the country so you know when the wind blew there was not much to slow it down . I remember those days fondly .
                  The days we would spend at home the weather did not slow us down . We still went doors to play and work . We would come in after hours outside doing our thing . Ma would have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches waiting on us . A welcome meal after being out in the cold .                I remember as a Boy Scout we would go out on our winter camping trips . There would be plenty of snow on the ground , we always kept a large pot of soup and hot chocolate on the fire . Our best and most memorable camping trip were those that we had bad weather on ; be it rain storms or snowy weather . Just the idea of making through them was the adventure .
               Today I just wanted to write about some thing positive this mourning . There is so much negativity in the news and that surrounds us in our daily lives . Turn on the television to the news channels or just step out of the house and it will not take long to run to so people doing nothing but complaining .
                  There is some thing positive  a bowl of hot soup or hot chocolate it just warms the soul and brings a smile to your face . Nothing gives the same feeling of love that Mom use to give you when she meets you at the door with a cup of hot soup .
                 Well there is my positive thought of the day . So go ahead have that hot cereal or hot chocolate and feel the love .

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


                   As I am sitting here listening to good music after having eaten a good breakfast ; I am wondering what to do with the rest of the day . The news is just the same rehashed over and over , only from different angles . I just somehow believe all that has come out in the past few months is some how tied together . They do not throw one of their under a bus for no reason .
                  Back to today ; I just see no need of just wasting the day off for no reason . I took yesterday for nothing but rest ; which I really needed . the past couple of weeks have been busy both at work and home . I could just get on the bus and head uptown and see where it leads me . Maybe get on the light rail just for fun . I always did like trains . One of my favorite trips was when I took a ride on Amtrak from San Francisco to Chicago . It was a interesting couple of days . Meet all kinds of people , some on their way to gamble others just trying to get home . The observation car was really cool to ride in . Seen the prairie and some buffalo from there . There was backgammon and cards in the lounge car along with snacks . Meals in the dinning car and naps back in my seat . I would do it again when the opportunity arises .
                 But right now the radio station I am listening to is really jamming right now . I may just sit here and read this book I got from the used book store and let the music play . Decisions, Decisions ; they are hard to make . There so many things I could be doing and some I should be doing and others I just plain want to do .  I guess that's why we given brains , we as humans have our own independent minds .  We just have to get it in our whole being to do what is needed in our life's . That is is what makes some more successful than others ; and some whom don't require much out of life . The rest of us fall some where in between . It's all a matter of where we expect to see ourselves tomorrow . As Shakespeare wrote "TO BE OR NOT TO BE , THAT IS THE QUESTION " . Well it all boils down to that what do I want to be tomorrow .Well time will tell ; I won't be able to answer that till tomorrow .
                The path is not set in concrete right now ; I still have time to make something of the day . I just have take the first step .


                               Well; Mom it's that time I write you  new blog again .  The election is over and it did not take that long for some controversy to hit the air waves . There is enough to make a soap opera about . Involving top officials in our intelligence and military community . It only took a couple of days . They some how on the news trying to tie this to the deaths of our diplomats in the uprising or attacks in Benghazi . The whole story has not come out on that yet either . It's changing hour by hour .
                              What has me wondering is the timing of all this around the election . I really can't give much of an opinion on this because I hear bits and pieces . But one thing though is something don't smell right about all this . Do we have another Watergate situation brewing here .
                             There is so much going on in the world its hard to keep up with it all . What makes it worse is you do not know which news service to believe . They all have their own agenda .
                            The thing is I people I wanted to be in the white house . I still think Herman Cain would have been the man for the job .  I liked all he had to say . The fact remains is that Obama is still president ; we will have to live with it and deal with it ; but that will not stop me from speaking up .
                         Mom; all is well otherwise . I am enjoying writing this blog that I have and learning much about myself . I may start on another project I just have to make the first step . I know the first step is the hardest . My problem is deciding what is the first step . Been doing a lot of reading like you say I should .
                      Well Mom I just wanted to get this out . I right now really do believe that the afterlife can somehow see everything we put out there on the internet .
                                                        Thanks Mom for listening
                                                                           YOUR SON

Monday, November 12, 2012


                   This mourning's bus ride was just like any other ; but for it being a cloudy day .There were traces of the rain that fell some time in the early mourning hours ; on the parking lot as I walk towards the stop where I will catch the bus . When I got on my first bus it was pretty much empty .
                   As we rode towards uptown you could hear the required landmark announcements as we passed the key points on the route .Traffic was kind of light for it being veterans day today .
                 The uptown skyline you see was highlighted by the blue-grey cloud cover as we rode towards them .Further proof that it being a holiday could be seen as we passed the government buildings . All you saw was a few pedestrians and some sheriffs walking through the campus area .
                  When we got to the transit building it was not a usual work day traffic . As I walked through the pigeons that are always there . They were going through their usual routine undisturbed by the people or the bus's passing through .
                  The little store did not have a crowd in it ,like there would be on a regular work day . I was in and out quickly  as I made my purchase of lottery tickets for the week . Shoot you can't win it unless your in it . Besides that I only buy one per drawing .
                  As I walked up to the bay where I would catch my next bus ; as luck would have it it pulled up .This bus is the airport bus and again there were not many riders .One rider of note though , you could tell he was in town for the Panthers vs Bronco's game . Which we lost , damn . He was wearing a Broncos jersey proudly , I can't really blame him . Had we won he would definitely getting a ribbing on his ride to the airport . He was also carrying some shoulder pads with the Broncos style horse's mounted on them . The name on the back was The Bronconater . There were also a few other passengers on their Way to the airport along with the daily bunch that rides in the mourning .
                     Looking out the window you could tell the banks were closed because there was not the hustle and bustle you would normally find . I really did not see anything of note on that ride to my final stop for the mourning .
                   It was a pleasant walk to my way to my room . The air felt cool and comfy . That was my my trip home this mourning . I do often look around and Hundreds of people off and about their own routines . Each having their own story that differs from my own . The world is a wonder all you have to do is look around you and you my see something you may have missed .Take the time you may be even surprised at what may find .

Sunday, November 11, 2012


            Yes ; I am just sitting here at my Laptop , actually with nothing to say . The door is open to let fresh air in , window open to let the sun shine in . The television is on a news channel ; maybe it will give some inspiration .
          I am told to become a better writer I should write everyday even when I don't have anything to say . So right now I am just rambling on .
         From where I sit I can see the blue sky with some puffy white clouds , with some vapor streams form the planes that have flown over head . The parking lot outside is a buzz with activity .
        Most of the trees are starting to loose their leaves . Those that are still hanging on have yellow ,red and orange tints to the with a sprinkling of light green . I can hear the cars and trucks traveling down the highway near by . When first moved here there used to be some woods there but that's all gone now . When they were here on a Sunday mourning I would open the door early with a cup of coffee . I would listen to the hundreds of birds just flying to and from trees . The chirping that they would make would make for a pleasant sit outside .
                   Now all I hear is the occasional plane coming in its approach for the air field . But I must say it still makes for a good mourning for I to like to hear those planes coming in.
                  If i step out and walk to the end of the walkway I can see the tops of the high rises uptown .Which makes for a wonderful view also . If I would take a walk out side just in a few hundred yards I will see some woods and some flowering trees , In places the kudzu try to take over the trees and electric poles . If your lucky you may see some rabbits hopping  about . A couple of years ago there was a pair of coyote's that you could see running around late at night . I have not seen them for a while . All in all it is a rather pleasant are to live in ,but depends on your tastes . To me it has the feel of the country but the benefits of the city. which is quite nice . Well I guess I will go now , I think I met my obligation to myself . May tomorrow I will have something to say ..

Saturday, November 10, 2012


                            While at work this mourning I mention to somebody that I was exhausted ,and that thought I need a Hover Round . Just for fun I went into what it should look like . Imagine if you will . A gloss Black Hover Round with ape hanger handle bars , A Harley Davidson decal and lots of chrome . A CD player mounted on it ,with a CD of a running engine of a Harley playing . There would a horn of a Harley mounted so I warn people of my coming .
                           Now this picture would not be complete with out a proper helmet . A Skull Cap with a single Chrome Spike on it and a Leather Jacket .
                           Just imagine A little old man running around town on this thing . With a grin from ear to ear on his face . You the kind ; the that lets you know that he is up to something .
                       Don't it sound like fun to run around in something like that . Well I think it would be , I would do it just to say I did it . Among other things that I might do just for fun and to see if I could do it . Hell we only live once why not have fun with life while we are here .

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


                         Finally the election season is over ; I am glad . Its time to let our people in Washington to do what we are paying them for But that does not mean we the citizens can't speak up when the need arises .
                        We must see to it that our government do what is necessary to fix our debt crisis ; and get the economy going . So that the jobs so badly needed to get this country back on track .
                      I must admit I did not support Obama ,but none the less he is still the President , I find I must stand behind him regardless . I may not agree with him at times , and I have the right to speak up if the case so warrants it . I feel its my right ,for I earned it because I took the time to vote .
                      So time to see what elected officials going to to do . We must let all those in Washington what will and will not stand for . Its time that they get it together and pass a budget which we have not had in some time . Stop wasting my money , I hate it when it happens in my home .
                    Lets stop with all the second guessing that we are going to hear on the news for the next few days . All of is not going to change a thing . Lets just get on fixing whats broken , and leave a country worth having for future generations .

Sunday, November 4, 2012


                 Yes ; we all have a quest in life , yet we all think that is individual to our selves . we don't realize that all our quests are interconnected in some way . We all live in the same timeline and the same world . We all seek some kind of validation in who we are and what we do . It comes from many different sources from family ; our jobs ; our peers and yes even from people we do not even know .
                   As we travel  in our lives our goals change be cause we are always ever changing . Our experiences ,what we see ;what we feel and what we learn everyday changes us . Who are today may not be who are tomorrow . What think and believe changes all the time . This is the the learning process of our lives . Even our faith changes every day it may get stronger or there will be times that we may question it .
               This kind of growth is inevitable . This is also true for us as a people . Through the century's our civilizations have all changed through time because we as people have changed . We are always seeking out a better life for us and our family's , which in turn changes every thing around us .
                We all have goals and a starting point that are individual to us , but it it is all the same for every one ;which is a better life . We can only get out of it what we put in to it . If we put little or no effort , we get exactly that . If we sit around to wait for it to be given to us ; we are taking what some one else worked for . For this reason it will not be valued and we would never be satisfied with that is given . We as as a people must work for what we have ,it is in our nature . If we are not satisfied we must make the changes necessary for this to happen . When do have what we want and need we must hard to maintain and keep it .
             My goals have changed many times in life . Some I have followed through and others never got of the ground . When we look at our changes in life there is one thing we must look at and remember . The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence . When look at that new goal we must ask our selves will we really be happy when see that goal comes through and is it worth going through what we have to get there . Will we have a empty feeling when we get there or will we feel fulfilled ..
            I currently find myself with these cautions about what I in mind to do . Is worth the time time that has to be invested . Is to late in my life to change the direction of focus . How much will it interfere with my life as it is now . Will I be capable of maintaining my life as it is while I pursue this . Is the best coarse of action taking baby steps . I do not want to move so slow that I lose the gumption to work on it , which has happen so many times . That it's never taken serious by those around me or they do not believe me .
           This is the learning process I am going through now . It is mine to work through . This probably similar to what many people go through . I believe that all it will take is one break through to start to see some results .
                So in ending I will see you on the other side of the fence . I will tell then if it was worth it .When you see me will will be able to tell if I am happy with the results . I will see you some where along this quest for every ones paths do eventually cross . So on to the journey .

Friday, November 2, 2012


               Got home home from work this mourning ; the first thing I put on some music to jam to . Man ; it just feels good to the soul to just sit here and jam . Nothing rejuvenates my soul than some good old fashion Rock and roll to jam to . It some how brings me back in my mind to the days of my youth , where if there was going to be a band there I was all for it . I am talking about the days I spent in West Germany at the time .
                 I have got to admit there were a whole lot bands making the club circuit then . Many of them were darn good .Even the groups that sang in mostly German . Lets just say I was in hog heaven . Shoot ; even the Polka Bands in the beer tents got me going . There were nights I would go to the V.F.W. and sit and listen to cry in beer country music .
               There were a few discos that I would also frequent while there . Those European discos had a style all their own ; techno ,punk and so forth . I even hit the heavy metal festivals . Yes I did get into that head banging music . There was a few nights I would go and listen to so orchestras , and listen to the likes of Mozart , Beethoven ,and Wagner . So my musical tastes are wide and varied .
               I sit at home on a Sunday and listen to the likes of Benny Goodman , Frank Sinatra , Dean Martin . Oh god don't leave out the king Elvis Presley .
               I guess what I am getting to is there is something for Every mood ; only if you have an open mind and just give it a chance to grow on you . It just mellows you out ,or gets you really moving . It can help you study ,get house work done , or just go to sleep on the couch . Whats more it can make that special evening with your other half that much better , just add dinner and candles . Don't forget to dim the lights , and chill the the wine . Yes ,music is the soundtrack of our lives .