Thursday, December 27, 2012


                         How do, go forward in these times of uncertainty , with a government that does not seem to be doing the peoples work ? I am trying to make a plan for the coming year on how to improve things . You can't make any plans ,not knowing how taxes are going to affect you or the nation .
                         So how can these people in Washington in all conscience collect their pay checks . really what should happen is if they don't get the job done their pay checks should be withheld until it gets done .Don't threaten the money that our vets and elderly need to survive . The wrong people are being held responsible for their inaction .
                       What is so hard about balancing our nations check book . There is not an infinite supply of money for our politicians to spend . Our pockets are not that deep . They need to get control over costs , and  a hard look on where all our money is going to . Take a close look at the aid that we are giving to other nations . What are we getting our money worth from them . Are they biting the hand that's feeding them ,if so lets stop feeding them . Just in that alone we could save a lot of money . Then all the money going to projects that there is no real need for or is already being done by another branch of government , A lot of duplication in government . The there is a lot of people in our government who may be misspending our money .
                         And why do government employees need a union . the government already represents them and pays them more than well enough . Those are costs that we do not really need .
                        Why does our Representatives wait till the last minute to work things out . What are they doing ,waiting see who blinks first .So you our Representatives ,lets get our collective acts together .

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