Wednesday, October 31, 2012


  • Tell me am I fooling my self ? 
  • Are people really reading my blog ?
  • Do I really have something to say ,that people are willing to read ?
  • Is my idea for a Great American Novel a pipe dream ?
  • Do I really have it in me to do this ?
  • Is this just another project I get started on and don't follow through on ?
  • When will I know and realize that I can complete this project ? 
  • These are just some of the many questions I have been asking myself . I started doing searches on Roman history and Culture . I am finding it a interesting read . I have written about many things and have had a lot of people clicking on my blog and few response's . Most were encouraging and positive . The plus ones even gave me some motive to go on . I do know that when I always start on a some thing new in my life I always run into a period of questioning as to is it really worth me trying . Am I wasting my time and money . Is this normal behavior , I have no idea . Right now all I am doing is just venting to get it of my chest . I do find that doing this in some way even no one reads it kinda helps . I am sitting drinking my coffee and listening to the news this early mourning . Its chilly outside as to be expected with this time of year . I am still tempted to open my door to let some air in . Cool crisp air can be refreshing and I find it helps give me some newly found energy ,even helps in clearing my mind giving me a new sense in direction . Am wrong wanting to question myself ? I just need to know that I am not traveling down a road to nowhere . What good is doing something if no good comes of it . I know that the road to success is paved with failure .Its not the the failure that bothers me , its the not following through that gets me . I have started many things and never followed through .This may be the main reason that I am where I at in life . I am facing the fact that I am ultimately responsible for my successes and failures and not following through . Writing this down just makes more concrete . Maybe by seeing it print may give me the motivation to continue . I know my project may take a lot of my time and effort . It also may take a lot of time to see results . 
  • When do you know when you have done enough preparation ? I know I have only been working on this a couple of weeks . It will take some time for me to know the subject . You can study a subject a life time ;there will always something knew to learn about it . There always be new coming out about any given subject discovered everyday . So it becomes a constant learning experience . Please excuse my going of in a tangent , this just an exercise in discovering what i know about what needs to be done  . This is just a effort in self realization . A way to figure out do I really have what it takes to complete this .
  • And so its time for me to end this exercise . I believe I have asked my self all the relevant questions that I can think of at the moment . So leave this blog to what is . Only time can tell . So I will see you again as continue writing this blog and keep reading and looking for more resources . May even look for some college classes on the topics involved .
  • I thank you ,who are reading this for listening to meaningless meanderings .


Jn Gan said...

Meaningless ? totally not .
Good post . The way you write is quite funny and its great ^^


Whitney said...

Great posting!!! I often wonder myself if any good is coming out of my postings found at Truth is, some good has to be coming out of them. Some person somewhere is takin their time to read our thoughts, and hopefully in one way or another, they are becoming inspired by them. Keep up the postings!!!You are a wonderful writer.

Anonymous said...

Yes people are reading your post and taking them to heart. Please keep them going.