Friday, October 5, 2012


                   Through the years I often thought about writing that great American novel about my travels and adventures . The thought first came to me on one of the many nights I stayed up late and watched those old movies on the late shows with my mom . Watching movies like The Snows of Kilimanjaro and many other classics like it .
                When I read my first book by Ernest Hemingway or even Leon Uris . I even day dreamed about it more . But as I got older I dreamed about it less . We all would like to think we have that one great novel in us . Or was it the life style that they had that intrigued me . The deep sea fishing , The safari's or even just the world travel that they did in the coarse of their of their lives . All the things through their life they became involved with . I would see pictures of Ernest Hemingway in life magazine , him on his boat with a fishing pole in hand in the keys or the one of him sitting at a table in some cafe some where with a drink hand . I would think man that is the life for me .Of coarse that never came to be .
             We don't live those times but with the kind of things going on in the world I suppose that one great novel is just sitting and waiting for some one to write that classic novel that could dare to sit on the shelve next to the greats .Shoot some one could be writing it right now . You know a story full of adventure , intrigue , about life and full of the romance that surrounds and weaves in and out of the story . At the same time telling you how to live and love life to the fullest . A narrative of sorts .The kind of story that grabs you and will not let you put it down till you done . When your finished you just want to live in that moment , because you felt some kind of attachment to the story and the people in it . You just felt like you were a part of the story . Now that's the kind of novel I day dreamed of . I do not know why I all of sudden thought of it now . Kind of wierd isn't though .

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