Thursday, October 4, 2012


                  I have more than my share of bad hair days . I admit some days I do look a little bit rough . Some times it because I was rather hurried , but others its a reflection of how I am feeling that day . There are times its a case of do have to do this . I just go through the motions of the day . I put myself on automatic pilot ,I just let the day happen . 
                   I find that if I spend little bit of time on making myself ready to go out in public ; I will feel better about myself and the day ahead of me . I find that everyday must work on get myself ready . I have to cut out the shortcuts and cutting corners . I noticed that if I start my day like that my day will be like that the whole day .
                  If you pay attention to details from the start , you will pay attention to them through out .Part of my problem comes from the snooze button on the alarm clock . I am very guilty of using it a little much . I am very surprised I have not wore it out . Sometimes I have wrestling matches with my bed . There times I swore I would lose . I manage to get up though when smell that coffee brewing . 
                 I really do need that extra hour to get ready for the day .Just much as I need the extra time I take to get too where I am going . It gives me time to get my mind right . I just do not like to be rushed through the day . It all contributes to a bad hair day . Its all so true that when your hair looks good you feel better.When your feel better about your self , you do better at all things .
                  Its amazing that the small details make all the difference in the world .People will tend to have better impressions of your when your hair looks good . We are visual creatures , what we see has a lot do with how we treat others . Weather you have a good hair day or bad hair day affects your successes of the day . Spend that extra time in the mirror and show your self some love .If you love what you see , others will too . 
              So leave that snooze button alone , get that needed cup coffee ,the extra time in the mourning to get your mind right .Show your self  some love while getting ready . Get good look at your self in the mirror , If you like what your see ; your ready the day ahead of you .

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