Sunday, December 9, 2012


               If were to tell the truth ; which am about to , I never really had any kind if goals . Other than make it to the next pay check . Yes ; there may have been many things I wanted to do in my life but all always just seemed be fantasy and dreams . I don't think ever to late to develop some .
                 Right now the couple I have is I enrolled in a couple on line classes .I did this mainly to see if I can handle it .I really want to remain committed to complete every task and do as well as I can . In the process maybe to really learn something . One thing I hope I learn to do is to be able to communicate my ideas so that they can be understood . My other is to continue working one this blog . Maybe my writing skills will improve I am not looking to grow this blog , that is the least of my concerns . If only a handful read it , I will be happy . I am smart enough to realize that there are many others that write their blogs to compete with .. Most probably better than mine .They also may have something profound to say and pass along . They felt it was important enough to put down so that we may read it . For me I can only hope that it may improve me on many levels . So guess I can consider this a goal .
                   So in doing these small steps may some larger and long term goals may appear and make them selves known to me . I am open to any ideas that may come to my mind . The one thing I do not want to do , is become so focused on a goal that I miss out on life . Just like I missed on some just trying to make ends meet .All I want to do is do some thing i can be proud of , have something accomplished .
                  The hardest thing I feel about setting a goal is know what that goal is and realizing where to start . Just take the first step is not enough . As in golf ; its all in the follow through , and keep your eyes on the ball .I hope I am making some sort of since , and not rambling to much .

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