Sunday, November 11, 2012


            Yes ; I am just sitting here at my Laptop , actually with nothing to say . The door is open to let fresh air in , window open to let the sun shine in . The television is on a news channel ; maybe it will give some inspiration .
          I am told to become a better writer I should write everyday even when I don't have anything to say . So right now I am just rambling on .
         From where I sit I can see the blue sky with some puffy white clouds , with some vapor streams form the planes that have flown over head . The parking lot outside is a buzz with activity .
        Most of the trees are starting to loose their leaves . Those that are still hanging on have yellow ,red and orange tints to the with a sprinkling of light green . I can hear the cars and trucks traveling down the highway near by . When first moved here there used to be some woods there but that's all gone now . When they were here on a Sunday mourning I would open the door early with a cup of coffee . I would listen to the hundreds of birds just flying to and from trees . The chirping that they would make would make for a pleasant sit outside .
                   Now all I hear is the occasional plane coming in its approach for the air field . But I must say it still makes for a good mourning for I to like to hear those planes coming in.
                  If i step out and walk to the end of the walkway I can see the tops of the high rises uptown .Which makes for a wonderful view also . If I would take a walk out side just in a few hundred yards I will see some woods and some flowering trees , In places the kudzu try to take over the trees and electric poles . If your lucky you may see some rabbits hopping  about . A couple of years ago there was a pair of coyote's that you could see running around late at night . I have not seen them for a while . All in all it is a rather pleasant are to live in ,but depends on your tastes . To me it has the feel of the country but the benefits of the city. which is quite nice . Well I guess I will go now , I think I met my obligation to myself . May tomorrow I will have something to say ..

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