Wednesday, November 7, 2012


                         Finally the election season is over ; I am glad . Its time to let our people in Washington to do what we are paying them for But that does not mean we the citizens can't speak up when the need arises .
                        We must see to it that our government do what is necessary to fix our debt crisis ; and get the economy going . So that the jobs so badly needed to get this country back on track .
                      I must admit I did not support Obama ,but none the less he is still the President , I find I must stand behind him regardless . I may not agree with him at times , and I have the right to speak up if the case so warrants it . I feel its my right ,for I earned it because I took the time to vote .
                      So time to see what elected officials going to to do . We must let all those in Washington what will and will not stand for . Its time that they get it together and pass a budget which we have not had in some time . Stop wasting my money , I hate it when it happens in my home .
                    Lets stop with all the second guessing that we are going to hear on the news for the next few days . All of is not going to change a thing . Lets just get on fixing whats broken , and leave a country worth having for future generations .

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