Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                         Today I am going back to a couple of the original intents of my doing this blog . This mourning I got up to a disturbing post on my Face book page which I had not sent . It turned out to a virus that had been going around . One thing that was troublesome about it was that it was accusing my friends of posting an image of me that's not in positive a light . Besmirching  my reputation is not good at all . The curiosity of most people will cause most to open the link that contained the virus . Whats got me is that people will think that much of you to see what kind of dirt they can get on you .
                      This just gets my goat in an uproar .  Seeing that I believe the Internet is a good thing . I see it as a way of leaving something of who you are for future generations . Its a way of leaving behind more than birth certificates , census reports and other documents . Its a way of leaving your thoughts and more about whom you are for them to find . How often do we look at old family photos and wonder what they were thinking .  I know I have .
                        In my starting of this hobby that was and still my intent . This my thoughts from the head . That's where this invasion belongs flushed right down the head .
                       What I do not understand is what do people hope they can gain from sending these kind of post around the Internet . It can cause damage to long time friendships and costly damage to our equipment . The equipment can be repaired easily enough  , but the damage to relationships are harder to repair even if no one was at fault but the hacker .
                     Yes I  do know there are people in this world whom have ill intent in this world . All you have to do is turn on the news and you see it every where . Its just the world we live in , but you would think with all the century's of man kinds existence we would of some how found a way to live together . It seems that all every one wants to to is step on the next guy just because they can .
                   We got the mess in the middle east ; the mess with my own government in the U.S. , the world wide economic crisis among other things .Its a wonder that we some how keep on trucking . How do we manage to go on with our lives with the minefield ahead of us  I know we must keep on with our lives , but down the road we must put a stop to it all .
                  Well I think its time for me to get of the john and get on with life .

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