Sunday, November 4, 2012


                 Yes ; we all have a quest in life , yet we all think that is individual to our selves . we don't realize that all our quests are interconnected in some way . We all live in the same timeline and the same world . We all seek some kind of validation in who we are and what we do . It comes from many different sources from family ; our jobs ; our peers and yes even from people we do not even know .
                   As we travel  in our lives our goals change be cause we are always ever changing . Our experiences ,what we see ;what we feel and what we learn everyday changes us . Who are today may not be who are tomorrow . What think and believe changes all the time . This is the the learning process of our lives . Even our faith changes every day it may get stronger or there will be times that we may question it .
               This kind of growth is inevitable . This is also true for us as a people . Through the century's our civilizations have all changed through time because we as people have changed . We are always seeking out a better life for us and our family's , which in turn changes every thing around us .
                We all have goals and a starting point that are individual to us , but it it is all the same for every one ;which is a better life . We can only get out of it what we put in to it . If we put little or no effort , we get exactly that . If we sit around to wait for it to be given to us ; we are taking what some one else worked for . For this reason it will not be valued and we would never be satisfied with that is given . We as as a people must work for what we have ,it is in our nature . If we are not satisfied we must make the changes necessary for this to happen . When do have what we want and need we must hard to maintain and keep it .
             My goals have changed many times in life . Some I have followed through and others never got of the ground . When we look at our changes in life there is one thing we must look at and remember . The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence . When look at that new goal we must ask our selves will we really be happy when see that goal comes through and is it worth going through what we have to get there . Will we have a empty feeling when we get there or will we feel fulfilled ..
            I currently find myself with these cautions about what I in mind to do . Is worth the time time that has to be invested . Is to late in my life to change the direction of focus . How much will it interfere with my life as it is now . Will I be capable of maintaining my life as it is while I pursue this . Is the best coarse of action taking baby steps . I do not want to move so slow that I lose the gumption to work on it , which has happen so many times . That it's never taken serious by those around me or they do not believe me .
           This is the learning process I am going through now . It is mine to work through . This probably similar to what many people go through . I believe that all it will take is one break through to start to see some results .
                So in ending I will see you on the other side of the fence . I will tell then if it was worth it .When you see me will will be able to tell if I am happy with the results . I will see you some where along this quest for every ones paths do eventually cross . So on to the journey .

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