Wednesday, September 26, 2012


                         Well if I met with my younger self what would  I say him ? That is a hard question to answer ,because I am satisfied with most of my life . Really that is a moot issue ,mainly because what is done is done , no change could come of it .
                   I will answer it any way because it may help some one that may read this . The biggest thing is try not to impatient . When comes to making decisions , slow down a little give that decision some time . Make sure you know and understand all the options . Consider the long range effects it may have on your life in later years .That extra day or so you take may make all difference in the world . You can avoid a lot of headaches just by that one move .
                 Another thing ,slow down don't be in such a hurry to grow up . Enjoy life . Live and enjoy the sights and sounds of your youth . Take your time when traveling , make sure you see all that can be seen , you may never be there again . Take part in the local customs , you may find that you will enjoy yourself .Learn the language you will find  you will get more enjoyment of the culture there . Go to the festival's , all the people that are there can't be wrong . Partake ,live and enjoy .
              One last point ; take care in picking your friends . They are a big influence on how you see things . They can effect all your decisions , and how you enjoy life . That peer pressure is a hard one to resist . The friends you have is the biggest game changer . Take my word for it , do not follow the crowd . It may lead you down a path you really don't want travel .By all means be your own person , especially if you know you are making the right decision for you .
              I could add more to this , I only barely scratched the surface . But that may be for another blog . This was intended to be a conversation with my younger self and turned out to be so much more . I hope this will help some one .

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