Thursday, September 6, 2012


               As the last day of the convention begins so does the campaigning begins. We Americans also begin our day ; we get ready for work ,send our children of to school ,and go about our daily chores . All the while the delegates go about their self important roles in our election process here in Charlotte NC.
                Tonight the President states his case as to why we should give him four more years , although I will be unable to listen to his case , I will at work doing my job . Yes I work nights , the world does not go on pause for an election or any thing else for that matter . People still have make sure this country and the world functions . The sick still have to be taken care of , police still have to patrol our streets , the firemen still have to stand watch ,the electricity still has work . There is a lot that goes on to make our world run ,even when we sleep or even world changing events occur . This stuff just don't happen ,some one has to make it happen .
                 So what am asking is that you whom have chosen to work in politics remember when you step up to that podium to give your speech , some did what was necessary for you to be able to give that speech . They did not do because of that they are either a Republican or Democrat ; its their job .
               I don't know what will be said tonight but tomorrow on the news and in the papers every word ,body movement even the suit that is warn will analyzed a hundred times over . Also the second guessing of what will said or done next . All want to hear  is the truth and show what you are going to do . And for goodness sake , tell us how you are going to make it happen . I myself have heard enough of failed promises              I have seen enough uncertainty in my life in the past twelve years ,I want to able to see and feel what we have to look forward to . I would like to know what kind of future my daughter and granddaughter will be facing . I what to see that we are leaving them a strong and healthy country for them to be proud of . So make darn sure you know what your going to do will work and most of all prove your case don't make us promises ,we have had enough of them . I want results Because the world can't stop to wait for you to fix it .


Colin Campbell said...

Thank you Andrew. I think the world could do with a bit more straight talking and some action from our pollies. Take care. Love the honesty of your post.

Unknown said...

dobro ste napisali toda nisem politik,sem amater. sem človek ki ga skrbi za prihodnist svojih vnukov in pravnukov. se zavzemam za čisto energijo, za ljudi, za živali, do celega našega planeta. sem izumitelj, sem kipar, sem lahko kdorkoli saj znanje je v naših glavah. umrla mi je žena, ostal sem sam na tem planetu. nimam prijateljev, nisem govoril z nikomur že skoraj leto dni. sem osamljen, oba z psom smo že stari. ne vem več zakaj živim, toda dokler bom živel se bom zavzemal za poštenost in se še vedno učil, saj učenje je del našega življenja. lep pozdrav ZVONKO