Wednesday, September 12, 2012


                           Well this will be a hard one . Because I do find at times depending on the situation ,time , people and place I have seen that I kind of present a different me . We all do have our masks that we wear to keep parts of lives to our selves. There is that part of our selves that tend to keep to our self .
                         There may be many reasons that we tend to not let all us out in the public .Some may shielding them selves either keep themselves from being hurt or because they want to avoid closeness . Or just plain ashamed of who they really are . Acceptance may the reason that they may show a different them .
                     I my self know first hand how hard it is to move to a new place . I being a military brat ,and having join the service my self . I also made many moves after leaving the service . I also found that many times I just went and found myself a new group of Friends . Only because I was not comfortable with direction the group was leading me .I know I do lack the luxury of having life long or close friends .Shoot I couldn't tell any of the names of the kids I was in first grade with . I do remember the name of my first grade teacher ,in Jamison Pa . Mrs. Grahm .
                      When you change locations as much as I have you tend to not become to close to people ,because you tend think that you or they may not be there long .You also wonder about whether they can be trusted . You tend to get burned a lot by so called friends .
                    So end up with tendency not to put to much of your self out there . Also you don't really to much on people . I don't wait on any one whom Say's they will help me . If they don't show , I just go on with it .
                    So we all wear our masks and have our own reasons . It is not our place to judge them for this , for we do not know what they been through or the purpose of it . We just need to accept things the way they are .

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