Sunday, September 23, 2012


                             Admit it we all must have procrastinated at on time or other . Shoot that's my worst enemy ; I have done it numerous times . Many of the time times it was something that should have been important to me . Some of them were things I just did not want to face . But much to my dismay the consequences were also things I really did not what to face . I did eventually did learn what you can put off and what you can't . That lesson I assure you was learnt the hard way .If you do this to often that path you are following in life will be hard one .
                            All a sudden you wake up and wonder how in the world did I end up in this place in life . It all just starts with small things like putting the chores you need to do around the house .Eventually it starts becoming something bigger . Then people get to where they may not rely on you . You begin wonder why your friends are not involving you in their projects .
                        The past ten years I have been avoiding procrastination like the plaque . It still happens though . I just have to work at harder , what it takes is just getting of that rear end , and do something . Just make some progress . Get rid of all distractions if that is what it takes . Every day I must make some kind of progress no matter how small . I have to feel like I am getting somewhere somehow . To give myself that feeling I am getting somewhere I first get up and work on my surroundings . If your kitchen is clean ; the rest of the house will soon follow . When I finish that I take the momentum and work on something else ,like this blog for instance . Then somehow other things find them selves being worked on .
                       So when you have this problem work on something small and it will turn in to something bigger . You will find the soon all the stuff you put of will get done . Maybe you will start to find that you procrastinate less and less .So lets all just do something even if just a walk on a nice sunny day like today . Don't life pass you by , you do not what to miss something do you .

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