Wednesday, September 19, 2012


             Well reality you can't make sense of the election season . Every one involved thinks their way is the only right way . I am not going to pick and chose is right .
           There is a lot of misinformation out there , from both sides . They skew through all the data and facts to make themselves better . Not mention all the news agencies in the tank for one candidate or other . So how are to sort threw all the ever changing campaign .There is an overflow of information to sort through to help us decide who will lead us for next four years . The one thing though is what that individual does will affect the nation for decades after he is gone . So we must chose carefully , not only that the biggest problem is getting the population to participate in the process . Early voting in some states start in a couple of weeks , so there should be no reason to be not involved .
                This more than just a popularity contest , its deciding what kind of country do you what to live in .The future is ours to decide , its up to the candidates to present us with their resume and show us what kind of leadership they give us for the next four years . They need to show us they can us what we need as a country ; a budget ; jobs ; a better economy and the respect that our country deserves . So can they in the next couple of weeks show that they have what it takes to do the job .Right now this is the most important decision we have to make, there is a lot riding on it . Lets make the system that our forefathers built work and make proud that it still works .

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