Tuesday, September 18, 2012


                                 Its fall again , time to look for the fresh apples ; not mention the hot apple cider and powdered doughnuts mmmm . I remember growing up this time of year we had the square dances ,hay rides , auctioned off those box lunches that girls put together ; so we eat with our favorite girl . High school football and dances afterwards . Homecoming . Definitely do not forget the hayrides , hunted houses . Oh yes the Jay Cee's annual gathering of maple sap from the trees around town so that could make some the down home maple syrup . That was their fund raiser .
                                As September wore on you tell winter was coming . Mom would have us harvest everything from the garden . The kitchen would be a buzz with activity . She would be canning everything she could . Sweet pickle's , dill pickle's , Relishes of all kinds , jams and jelly's , horseradish , whole tomatoes , tomato paste , tomato juice, just to name some . Oh god yes the fresh sweet corn on the cob ,we would make meal of that on its own . Fresh strawberries on shortcake or waffles . My favorite the rhubarb pies , mincemeat soaked in Bourbon pies . The fresh salads from the stuff in the garden .
                   Oh yes , can't forget my mom listening to the Michigan Wolverines game on the radio while she was working in the kitchen . Man would she get so exited over those games .The world almost seemed to come to stop with all this activity .There was most assuredly something that would be going on .
                The fall brings to me lots of memories , the good food ,the good games , the pick up football games in the side yard . My dog marmaduke loved this time of year to . The walks in the corn field next to the house with her and my eight track player blaring that dang blasted rock and roll .
               We can't turn back time but sure can sit on the front porch feeling that fall air coming to let us know winter snow is just around the corner . We can remember and smile and surly say that was the good life .

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