Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Making it count

               Well yes it has been a few days since my last post . I have been kind of busy though ,helped my brother with the hay in the field , a unsuccessful bike where I ended up trying to out run a thunderstorm back to the farm ; I just made made it . When I got to the farm it had been raining for about five minutes and could hear lighting in the back ground . Monday I finally made that Thirteen mile ride that had tried on Saturday . It was a pleasant and quick ride , did it in two hours . Past two days I have been busy with work and mowing my brothers yard . I got started to early , I should have waited a little longer for the dew to burn off .
                   You know that's a little problem I have , sometimes I can be a little inpatient . I find with most things I do . I just get busy , at times I just get started to early or I try to rush to get it done . There is a right time to start things , and sometimes you just have wait a little for the right time . I am finding that with starting over . There many steps you have take and some steps pop up that you don't plan on . And before you go on you have take care of them before you continue on your plan . Always must at the ready for the unexpected to slow you down . Just don't let it stop you from reaching the ultimate goals .
                    Yes it has been slow going for me , but this time will be and must be last time I go through this . So I must be sure each step will be a solid step , and anyone I let in my life must be someone wort knowing . I can't let things in things or people in that can impede my progress . The time is now making the best decisions possible . I do not have time to make one step forward and two back  . Everyone I take must count .

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