Friday, September 25, 2015

How am I supposed to act

                        Well , its been only two days since I asked the question " How should a sixty year old act ? " I have two responses to my question , I guess I should feel pretty good about that . I probably doing real good for a blog that only gets ten to thirty hits a day . Yep ,I do not get read by many people ,and don't get any comments very often about what I write. But right now I think I have  valid question . I Know with all the things happening in our world today , that people may pass over this for other things more concerning or entertaining . We live in a busy world , people's lives are bombarded with information constantly . I also know I can expect results in just two days .
                           One answer I got was " it depends "  . Well really that is saying a lot in just two words . Because it could depend on your religion , where you at in the world , your income , even your status in society . So you many different directions with that answer . It just a hard one to go with . But it is a start .
                 The other response I got was " like thirty year old but be twice as good at it . "  Well that was a good answer also but when I was in my Thirty's I don't really think I had my act together . At that time I was living moment to moment . I was letting the people around me ,the place I was at dictate my decisions . I went for what felt good at the moment with thought about the future . I had concept of the fact that I needed to build a life , a future . So that answer does not help me from my experience . It was a good answer though .
                        Maybe I should expand the question a little . How should a sixty year old act , what should they have accomplished , and should they have experienced by then ? I think that covers just about everything . Let me see where that will get me . I know I can not expect much with kind of hits I get , but will not worry to much about it . I have whole year to work on getting the answers and a whole year to improve myself , and where I am at in my life at this point . A lot can happen in 352 days ,  many changes can happen .                       

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