Monday, October 5, 2015

How are we supposed to KNOW

                              Well ,I have not wrote on here in a couple of days its not that I been busy , but I have trying to come up with something to write about . Then I saw some posts on different sites that gave something to think about . They were more like inspirational statements . Stuff that may help you deal with what life throws at you . Well , its true that this moment is only temporary , it only lasts for seconds . You will never get it back . So life is always changing , and if you want or need to change , you must change with it . The hard part is making the decision , and knowing what to change . Then you must have courage and will to make it happen .
                                  I have made those kind of steps in my life in the past couple of months . I do have the what the hell were you thinking moments . But I realize that where I was at was not good for me . I was not in control of my life. The people in my life then had control . I loved them and still do but their only concern was themselves and their habits .It was their habits were their only concern . They did not care about anything else just that the need was met . Don't get me wrong its as much my fault for letting it go on for as long as I did . I will think of all I left behind , and it was a lot . A good job , friends , a city I enjoyed living in that turned into my home . But the change I needed I had to change it all . Being back where I came from with family is where I needed to be . Its not easy here but change is not supposed to be easy .
                                         I just have to make sure that every step I take is the right one . At times the right move you can not see right away , and you may take some shortcuts and skip over things that should be done first . There in lays the problem , there is no clear map of what to do or where to go . And this goes back to my question last week . How is man my age supposed to act . Where should he be at this point in his life . What knowledge should he gained by now . Is there something I missed  , something I should have read . Some experience that I should have had . Did grow to be the person I should have been . Am I wrong for wondering or even asking these questions . Who sets the norms , how in the hell are supposed to know all the answers .
                                    The biggest problem is finding work that will support the the change being made . It is really hard when you have nothing to start with . You have a work history but its not local and you no piece of paper that says you know what to do . The biggest problem is that they want to know why you left it all in the first place . Its not that they want to understand , its that can't understand why left what you liked behind . Why didn't you leave the situation behind . Will some things are not that simple , especially when you do not know what the person will do . Some times it all has to change . It just that you got be willing to do it and not back down . Don't think I haven't tried to to do it with out leaving the area . I tried many times , it does not work that way .
                                   Yes , I am happy with the changes that being made by me . Change for the better is slow . When start from the bottom , it can do nothing but get better . Well the only way to go is up , the only limit being made is by you . You alone chose how far you are going to go . Along the you must take time to repair the damage done to yourself , but you be looking to front all the doing it. Life can get get better if you build it on top of wreckage . There has to be a strong foundation , don't let there be any history not resolved put a crack in it . You to clear some things so it haunt you and slow progress . You what I mean , bills all caught up . All ties to what left severed . There can be nothing hold you back to move forward .
                                 Yes I am learning . Maybe that's what this is all about .My that is the answer I have been looking for . Just maybe that's what the meaning to this life is about , learning .

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