Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Picasa Content
             Well ,here I am again , my little rest period almost over . Today I learnt how to use one of the tools on my laptop . It took me a year to realize it was there ,and a good part of the mourning to figure out how to use it . In fact I am using right now to write the blog posting . It’s the Windows live Writer that I have connected to . So far I like it ,because I can work on my posts ,without going on line . Which is great , now I really have no excuse to keep up with my blogging . So this day of my vacation was not a waste . I learnt something , and was productive at the same time .
             Today , is a nice day out . We have the classic Carolina blue skies with the occasional white puffy clouds . Where stay ,every few minutes you can here the planes coming in for a landing . I would go out there to try to take some pictures of them . But , it is a bit warm and humid out . All this rain we have for the past month is not helping much . Tomorrow , we expecting some storms to roll through again . Yes through my vacation ,it has pretty much rained every day . That is a good thing in a way , everything is green ,though it has brought out the bugs and the streams around the area tend to overflow .
               Maybe later on , I will get out there with my camera as it cools ,and go for a walk . Yes , I realize my blog is of no social relevance .But as I have said in blog in past year . I write this so that when some one in my family researches the family history in the future . They will find more than a few documents and photos . They may find this blog and learn more about who I am . That one of great things about the internet . Historians , in the future may be able to put a bigger picture together about our time . Yes , of it may be nonsense , but none the less they will learn more about us than they could about past generations . They will have more than just cave paintings to go by . Man, here I go again off on one of my tangents . I took a left hand turn some where .
               Though that why my blog is called; Thoughts from the head . There is anther reason for its title too. I can thank my dad for that . When ever he left the room he would excuse him self from the room , and he was going the head . Another term for the rest room . You got to understand he was retired navy . That's what they called it in when he was in . I have know idea if they still call it that . Lets be honest though , this is the one room when in use , we do some most serious thinking at times . I know I do .Well I guess I rambled enough for today . So I guess I will go for now , daylight is burning . I need to get out there before it gets to late to do anything .

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