Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Possibilities are endless

         Its just simply amazing , When I got off work and got home . We just looked up at the night sky and really took a good look as we got out the car . The stars were just shining so bright and there just so many of them . There's not even a cloud in the sky for them to hide behind . I could see the big dipper clear as day .
             Its a nice cool and comfortable night , heck the mosquitoes are not out dive bombing you as you are staring at the sky . All you can hear are the crickets , toad's and the cows on the neighboring farm mooing . The only thing you can hear of civilization is the occasional car coming down the road in front of farm .
               With that to come home to , how can things not get better for me . Notice how positive my posts have been getting since I moved back home . I already know what my week has in store for me , work every night at the restaurant , Wednesday have to bail and put in the barn .
                  It plain and simple this is where I should have been all the long . Here in the country ,with family , in a place I know best . With this that is in the evening sky ,how can anyone say there is not a better life waiting for me . As in the sky , as it here on our little blue planet the possibilities are endless .

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