Monday, November 9, 2015

Trying to understand my part in it

                 This week has me excited , I am starting a new chapter in my life . I start a new full time job ,that I have every intension of making my home till I am not able to work any more . This weekend a old classmate from high school , stopped by that I had not seen in thirty years . We got caught up and made plans to get together ,and just hang out , which cool . Things are beginning to come together .
                  Now on to the purpose of this blog for the next year , discovering how a sixty year old should act . See I have no idea for I never been that age before , there is no handbook , no classes to take and for goodness sake not even a test . It just happens and your expected to know how . Your expected to know all the things you need to get done , where to go to do them . See I worked in a business that you always around young people , so you tend to believe and act like your young . I know that I wm not a kid anymore , shoot every so often , my body reminds me now . So what is it I need to know , what is it I need to have . I won't join AARP because it is like an admission that you are old . Also I do not believe they totally represent its members as they wish . It's just a way to separate you from your money .
                    So what programs should I be aware of and join . What should I be doing to prepare . Most of all do I need to dig out that rocking chair and quilt and be ready to just rock away the time . Should start every conversation with "When I was your age " . How should I be . I have a tendency to feel as though I did when I first started out working . That I have a lot to learn and a lot of dues to pay to earn respect . It partly though out my life I have made many poor choices ,that have landed me in the position I am in . Having to start all over again , build a new life . I trying very hard to do the right things so that I will not repeat my past choices . Because of them it is hard to know at times if I am doing the right things . Like right now I know should taking care of a chore ,but I am waiting for it to warm up outside . I should start on it at noon and be done by dark . By all rights to should not take five hours to do , I hope .
                   So I have been harping on this blog about this for over a month . Still no input , maybe I have seen a few quotes posted on Facebook and Twitter and never have the time or pen and paper to jot them down so I can remember them when I sit down to write in my blog . That tells me I need to start carrying a note pad and pen everywhere . Then just make the time to jot stuff down , but could become annoying to those around me . See I really don't take my blog that serious . For one thing not many read it ,and I haven't made any money of it yet . Yes , I understand you only get out of it what you put into it . For the past few years when writing my posts , I have putting my all into it . Some I could have put more thought and work into , but what I do is just sit here and type into my tablet what just flows into my head . That's why its called Thoughts from the head , and for other reasons too . I look at the numbers for the hits on this its mostly an average of ten a day although there is a rare day or almost a hundred hits . So I know its not what people want read about and my thoughts do not amount to a hill of beans compared to everything that's going on in the world . I not trying to impact the thoughts of the world , I am just trying to understand my little part of the universe . So what are your thoughts I really want to know .

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