Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Me , a bike and a road

                 Yesterday was a long day for me. I went on longest bike ride I had done . Mind my bike is just common everyday comfort bike with only seven speeds . The first leg of my trip was to see how long it would take me and what the ride would be like . It turns out to be a twenty-one mile ride . I left at 8 in the mourning got there at 10:30 in the mourning . In that time I had stopped at my brothers farm and talked to his wife and mother in law for about 45 minutes . So would say its not that bad of a ride . I don't think I made bad time either. As I rode I looked out for where the road damaged on the edges , where there my be dogs , and took note of landmarks along the way .
                    One thing happens when your go on long rides is that you have plenty of time to think , and you notice things that your don't see when you are in a car. Most of all there no distractions as you ride . There is just you ,the bike and the road . How far you go and how fast you go depends on the effort you put into it . Once your out there you have no choice but to peddle on ,because its all up to you to get there . Yes while on the ride I did a lot of thinking , the funny thing is I don't recall much of what went through my head . I do though remember the ride and how I felt when was done .
                               Well once got to where my new job is , I thought what the hell I am already over twenty miles from the house I decided to go the ten miles into Battle Creek  that was an easy enough ride along a state road . when town I stopped at a couple of stores just to look around and to rest a little from the road .
                             Now start the last leg to the house easy right , now that's funny . It started of easy but the closer to the house the more effort it took to get there . The hills that I never paid much attention to kept popping up . They seemed bigger than what they actually were . The ride took more effort to get home than expected . I did it none the less , I made myself push on . I had no choice , I am on a bike and only way for the ride to end was to get the house . As I was riding , this guy on a real fast touring bike passes me like I was not moving . That caused new to renew my efforts and push on . It was a very short time after that that ended on the last turn and stretch of road . I was familiar ground again . Not that was not on the whole trip because I have rode the whole route in a car before . What I mean I was on my way to house because I was in my neighborhood , familiar ground . My effort became more determined . By the time it was all said an done I rode about 45 miles yesterday .
                                     I do not mind telling you , when I got of the bike I sat down and went limp . That's when noticed it was three in the afternoon . I had spent seven hours on the rode , peddling that bike with a few stops along the way . I was wore out tired , but you I had a feeling of accomplishment . Like had really done something . Once I do get my own car , I believe I am going to continue going on long rides , because I like that feeling . Your just riding through the countryside , in no hurry ,with deadline to meet . Just you ,the bike and the road . I do not think I would spoil it by finding a riding partner .I actually think the long rides a personal thing .  I know last night when to bed I slept really well . I felt rested when I got up , no aches or pains , just ready to meet the day head on . Maybe I could have gone on another ride . There a few more good days coming up , maybe I will get on the road again real soon . I am now officially hooked on bike riding , the long rides not the ones you take the store on the corner . The cross country rides I like . Who knows , maybe we will see each other out one the road . I do recommend a nice slow easy ,comfortable ride ,where you are in no hurry to get there for everyone . All your worries , problems will slip away . You will forget them for the moment .

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