Wednesday, July 25, 2012

On my mind

          Over the past week I have been thinking of things to write about . I would come up with ideas of what to write ,then I would home in front my laptop and then my mind would go blank . Here I am now , with no idea where this post may lead . So many things are going on in our world today , I find at times its all hard to keep up with .
            With the election coming up , the conventions are at the the forefront. especially here in Charlotte NC , where I live . So the isn't a day that goes by where it isn't talked about . So I've been find myself thinking about the coming election a lot .What keeps coming to my mind is what kind of candidate am I looking for .
              With so much at stake it's hard to pin point exactly what I'm looking for . Its hard to get an idea of whom my choice will be with all the misinformation out there. People also get so emotional over there choices ' and tend to take offense over others opinions that differ from theirs . I find that at times it is best not to say anything about my opinion because the arguments that it may cause .
               What are the issues at hand this election , jobs .deficit , infrastructure , foreign policy and taxes. Whom can come up with the best plan , I don't want to here  from them that yes that is problem , something needs to done . Well that's all I am hearing . Just what can you do about it .
               I am smart enough to realize that one man does not make our government to move and make changes.there are all the congressmen also whom have ideas of their own on how it can be done . Each with agendas of their own . So how will we find some who lead all these different ideas in the same direction . So far I have not anyone with those leadership skills . November is not that far away , its a short time for the candidates to impress me.A lot can happen between now and then with as fast as things change .I think what want to see is how the congressmen and president will work together .
                How we solve the nations problems does not just affect we the citizens , it will affect how the world views the steps we take to improve things in our nation . It will either affect the world view positively or negatively .So there your have it ,with our children's future , our nation and the world view on the line , I feel the candidates have a lot to explain to us . Lets put the petty arguments aside and get down to the business of the solving our nations issues .

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