Wednesday, June 27, 2012

     This a subject I have given considerable thought to throughout my life . Its something I've been trying to understand since my youth . I was raised a Roman Catholic ,going to church to me seemed like it was a duty .Something we had to do because Mom said so .We went to the Sunday Classes afterwords .
     The way we were taught was as if this is the way you must think because they said so . You could not question it ,for you would be labeled a troublemaker . This is not easy to put down for it is of such a personal nature. The one thing I couldn't understand is when people said " Put it in Gods hands " . I knew one thing as a youth that the dishes would not get done if I didn't do them myself ,you cold not pray that they would be done when you wake up in the mourning . If they were done someone had to of done them , either Mom or Dad did them and I would hear about it . That is the way it is with everything else in life . If you don't work to get the money to pay the rent ,buy food and on and on , there are direct consqueses involved . Things do not happen unless you put some work into and your reward would follow. Basicly someone has to pay for it somewhere down the line.
      Don't get me wrong , all this , I mean the whole universe , right down to the smallest molecule is by no means a cosmic accident . Something or someone had to cause it happen . Hence the cause and effect rule in nature and life ,for every action there is a equal reaction . Then also everyone must have also a moral compass too. That has more do do with the examples laid before us by our parents and community leaders ,and we also had to be receptive to the lessons given us . As I said nothing happens without a little investment of time and work being put it to it.
      Here's another thing the major books on religion were written by man , then they will say it was God inspired . It as goes back to to blind faith in something that can't  be totally proven without a doubt .Is there something I missed in my lessons on how to have blind faith . Is it taught or are you born with it .Those books were used for century's to control government's ,people and wars fought over ,and still is happening today .
       So in conclusion where does this put me , there is something out there responsible for our existence ,there is some reason the sun goes up in the mourning and goes down in the evening . I will remain open to enlightenment what ever it maybe and how ever it may come . But remember I am of the generation where you question everything . Maybe one day it will come to me . Just remember when you read this these are just my thoughts alone , I have no agenda just seeking discussion and understanding ,not condemning  anyone for their faith because it's theirs alone . It has no effect on my life, because I have find it on my own .

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