Wednesday, June 20, 2012

     To stick with the title of my blog "Thoughts From The Head " .This thought has been around awhile ,just now getting around to putting it in print .Just curious to see if any one has had the same thought . How long has it been that our government has had a budget . Deadlines has come and gone and still no budget . Seriously if we had this kind of performance on our jobs ,would we still have them . I think not ! But yet we keep on putting these same people in . Everyone pointing fingers at the different parties , I think that it much more than a Democrat or a Republican issue . Its an American issue . We  the people need to to do something about it . See we have the power to give them their pink slips . Its called The voting booth , if they can't do the job put some one else in .It don't really matter what party ,and they don't perform vote them out . I believe that we should not have career representation , we we common everyday citizens,whom know what a deadline is ,that knows if you don't pay the rent , you will not have place to live .Lets get some people in there that does not owe some big company a favor or is the hip pocket of some union . Whom will vote according to the will of the people ,which is why they are there in the first place . Lets get this country back on track and working again .
     I only wrote this to get people thinking and talking . Not start argument's , I don't do them . this here is one person thoughts , what is yours .

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