Wednesday, July 25, 2012

On my mind

          Over the past week I have been thinking of things to write about . I would come up with ideas of what to write ,then I would home in front my laptop and then my mind would go blank . Here I am now , with no idea where this post may lead . So many things are going on in our world today , I find at times its all hard to keep up with .
            With the election coming up , the conventions are at the the forefront. especially here in Charlotte NC , where I live . So the isn't a day that goes by where it isn't talked about . So I've been find myself thinking about the coming election a lot .What keeps coming to my mind is what kind of candidate am I looking for .
              With so much at stake it's hard to pin point exactly what I'm looking for . Its hard to get an idea of whom my choice will be with all the misinformation out there. People also get so emotional over there choices ' and tend to take offense over others opinions that differ from theirs . I find that at times it is best not to say anything about my opinion because the arguments that it may cause .
               What are the issues at hand this election , jobs .deficit , infrastructure , foreign policy and taxes. Whom can come up with the best plan , I don't want to here  from them that yes that is problem , something needs to done . Well that's all I am hearing . Just what can you do about it .
               I am smart enough to realize that one man does not make our government to move and make changes.there are all the congressmen also whom have ideas of their own on how it can be done . Each with agendas of their own . So how will we find some who lead all these different ideas in the same direction . So far I have not anyone with those leadership skills . November is not that far away , its a short time for the candidates to impress me.A lot can happen between now and then with as fast as things change .I think what want to see is how the congressmen and president will work together .
                How we solve the nations problems does not just affect we the citizens , it will affect how the world views the steps we take to improve things in our nation . It will either affect the world view positively or negatively .So there your have it ,with our children's future , our nation and the world view on the line , I feel the candidates have a lot to explain to us . Lets put the petty arguments aside and get down to the business of the solving our nations issues .

Monday, July 16, 2012


           It seems to me that our Representatives in Washington are busy blaming one another for why the country is in the shape its in . Not once have heard any one take responsibility for the way things are , or even present a actionable plan to solve the problem .
          Well all you in Washington ,let me spell it out for you ; YOU ALL ARE AT FAULT .For the last hundred years all you all have done is build upon the mistakes which are dividing our once proud country .
But lets not put all the blame on them ;we the voters keep putting the same clowns in there year after year Which only adds to their ego ; which leads them to believe that they know what we need better than we do.
          Where do you get off at telling me what I need . It was our vote that put you in there .When will you start listening to the people who put you there in the first place . We the people are also keep making the same mistake over and over again by putting them back in. If they are not doing the the job we ask them to do we should hand them their pink slip on the next election .So citizens of THE UNITED STATES need to start doing our job ;if they do something we disagree with let them know about it ; phone calls , emails ,and mail letters . Show up to thier offices when they are there .By any peaceful means needed to get the point across that will make them understand .Our government is full of checks and balances ; we are the biggest check and balance .
            We as citizens need to do our homework ; watch the news (but don't put all your faith in the news ) , read the blogs , research if you have to , but get the facts . An informed voter is the best voter , And that's what their scared of . All this name calling and false misrepresentation is only turning the election into the Jerry Springer Show . Lets call their bluff ask the big question , WHAT'S THEIR PLAN AND HOW DO PLAN TO MAKE IT HAPPEN . HOW DO YOU PLAN TO PAY FOR IT . I want no generalizations ,I want to see exactly what they are going to do . No campaign slogans ,no pointing fingers , and don't want to hear any he said she said crap either .

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Can we dare to dream again

                    In the past couple of days I saw a couple of inspirational tapes here on the Internet and combine that with the few movies I watched when I was growing up . You know ,the kind of movies that a young  mind might think that's the kind of amazing world and life the going there for him when he grows up .Then stir in the things that were happening around him .
                   Gemini , Apollo , Peace movement , Equal rights ; just name a few things that were happening.
Because of all that was happening he thought that live was going to be really some thing .
                  Now here we are today on the verge of another election season .The economy is not not as good as it was . We have a Government that spends or children's future like it don't matter . There people running for office that we don't know for sure if they can get there collective acts together long enough to fix things and make our government work like it supposed to . Not only that I hate to mention this ; What political favors do they owe once they get there.
                 So the here's the problem how do we sort through the political propaganda to get through to the truth of whats going on . Anytime anyone reports or talks about the issues they are going to skew to facts and surveys to prove their way is the way to go . Who this election is going to ask the hard questions ,you know the one's that will make the candidate uncomfortable and make sweet a little .
                   Somehow we need to bring this world back to the days where we can dare to dream .I don't want to here this party did that and that party did this . They are all responsible because they both are involved in running our government. The way they have been doing things to date is what got this country to this point . So I guess what am saying is that they need to do is shut their pie holes and listen to the people . I mean listen to the people who have to get up every day and go to work and actually have earn a living .Because without us this country would not function . Listen the people who want to work and take care of themselves and their family's. Ultimately we are the the one's whom will be footing the bill , either in taxes or our sweat because we will have to be the one's whom will have to work with what they decide . They also seem forget that the decisions they make affect the very people who put them there in the first place .
                      So what I am saying is before they vote on a bill ; they need to think what are the consequence's for the average person on the streets ,what will it cost us , what will we have to give up because of their decision. We will be watching ; WE WANT TO DREAM AGAIN .

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Health Care Act is missing something ; you think

          Today I just read A break down of the Health Care Reform Act . There is one thing I noticed about it that I have not heard about in news reports.In all parts of it it only refers to legal residents , citizens ' no no mention of illegal residents .
          Does that mean they do not have to have insurance and we the tax payers have to foot the bill . I think that if they make a requirement of all us whom are here legally to have insurance ; it should be required of any one regardless of their status who walk through the doors of any health facility to have it.
         They talk about how it costs tax payers  to pay for uninsured ,what about how does it cost us to pay those costs. What are doing is putting out a welcome mat for any one wants come here illegally to walk into our hospitals for care. then we end up footing the bill.
         So tell me how this is the fair  and right thing to do when there will still be people using the system . When they don't face the same taxes and fines for not having insurance.
        So what is the provision for illegals or did they take that cost in account. Somebody explain this to me or did miss something . I am a citizen just looking for answers . What caused me to finally read it you ask . The Supreme Court decision recently made. Also that fact that we have a congress that can't agree on anything . Heck they can't even come up with budget ,so how can you think that they can even think about this . Tell me what right, do non-citizens get a free ride.
          Tell me where is the outrage . I think I will end this rant right here and wait for some one to tell me where I am wrong.
          Another thought did they just create another back door towards citizenship. See a lot of questions can and could arise out of this . By them trying to do the right thing they opened whole lot other problems ,that will take a lot of time to correct .Where does that leaves us I ask?

Friday, July 6, 2012


              There is something I am wondering about . We just celebrated the 4th of July ; our Independence . Our fore fathers fought the revolution for freedom of religion , no taxation without representation . They built the country on self reliance and entrepreneurship . There was no government grants to start with . People came here from the beginning to forge a new life .
               They built a life here with sheer determination and grit . There was no welfare ,food stamps , unemployment or any of the entitlements we have today . The settlers did not come here with a you owe me attitude , but they made a way for them self's .
              So my question is how did the American culture change from one of self reliance to one of where some in our society think the government exists to take care of them. When fact that we the people are the government . Don't people realize that some one down the line has to pay for it all . So how did we as Americans loose our way .
            For starters career politicians , then we started with the free money programs that do little to help people become self reliant , it only brought people to the point of dependence.
           I am not saying that my situation is ideal to say the least , but I keep getting up and doing the best that I can . Yes , at times it does not seem to be enough  and yet I keep trying . One little step at a time I try to improve my life .I have been working since I was fourteen and now I am in my fifties . I have hit bottom a couple of times and I dust myself of and keep going . I do know one thing ; I DON'T EXIST BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT , IT EXISTS BECAUSE OF ME .So in conclusion I ask you to remember this coming November when you step in the voting booth . you have a chance to give your self a chance in life . Make a change in your future .Do we want MOTHER GOVERNMENT ; or do we want a government that allows us to find our own way?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

         Right now I at point of my life ' that I am reassessing my priority's toward my future. I'm not sure if it's late in life to do this ;but I've always thought that it's never to late to try anything .
          First I got a notebook  and put column's on the fist page. The first column I titled "where am I at now " . This was hard to do .I had to be honest with myself and listed everything I could think of ; job, relationships, education, living arrangements, savings and any skills I have .
         Second column the titled " Questions I'm asking myself ' That was even harder than the first column. How can anyone sit down and honest with their self without any bias of any kind . Lets be honest here at this moment in time in any one's life can be honest with our self's about where we stand . Also what will it take to get to where we want to be in life say five years from now . Let alone know where to start to make these changes .
          I not saying I am not satisfied with the way things are . I just know there are some thing that could be better. Really I don't think that one should wait for some one or the government make these changes for me . Lets face it nobody knows you or what you need better than you.Shoot you can't count on the government to do it for you; they can't put together a budget that works. How can they tell you what you need ; yet they still do . Yes I agree that every one needs health care , but how can you expect them to run it , if they can't do the simplest things like be responsible with our money. Oops I went off on a  tangent again.
          I guess there are so so many things in our lives that need changing ; how do know where to begin or know what question's we need to ask our self's. The fist should be is \" What can I change or work on first ?". Then it should be" Is something I can handle my self " .
        The we can work from there .Just do the things you can do . And as we do do them maybe Just maybe we can take a bite out of the bigger issues one at a time till they are no longer a problem.

Monday, July 2, 2012

     Well here I'm again to tell to truth I'm no expert in any subject . I'm still trying to find my niche in the blogging world. Now that I'm blogging I have little trouble coming up with idea's . Before I started this thoughts flowed through my head like water.
        I guess I could clue you in on how I came up with the idea of my title for the blog . " Thoughts from the head"  Its pretty darn simple though. Where do most of us do our serious thinking at . If your like me when you go to restroom for an extended period of time, it' nice to bring some read material with you. Or you enjoy the solitude while doing your duty ' but in all cases you can't help but do some thinking.
        Well to get to the point an old navy term for the restroom came to mind when I came up with title .The head. Being that my dad was old navy I got used to hearing my dad answer my mom when asked about where was going when he would get up from his chair. " I'm am going to the head "
         So therefore the title. It can take meanings on many levels. But mainly my blog is just some thoughts that's all and I am trying to have a little fun with it.
        It also mean depending on where your mind is at::
                 *The head of the table
                 *The head of the household
                 * a leader
                 *Or your head
          All could be used but I prefer my dads use of the term because that's where The inspiration came from. It's in his honer I used it .Its my hope that will have some meaningful thoughts to share with you. Like I said I'm no expert in anything but I do believe I have something to share .