Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Don't let life take you for a ride

       Yes I said it , Don't let life take you for a ride . We are not passengers on a train going to a predetermined stop along the way . We must go to the crossroads and there it is where we decide where to go .
      Me I think I may be speaking from experience , through my life I believe all I have done most of the time just went along for the ride . Never once thinking about where my decisions will lead me .Now here I am in my fifties at times wondering how I got here . In reality I don't have to wonder much be cause I know the truth . I never gave my future much thought, I just went for the easiest way forward . Not once did think that anything worth while will have to worked for .
              So here I am in my fifties working my butt off to make up for lost time .Don't ask me how I am going to do this, but I working hard with what I have and where I am at to make some kind of progress .Its not not just in my work life but my personal life I need to make some progress . There fences to mended , relationships to be salvaged and most of all changes to made in my thought process .
             So I believe I can say this with some authority don' t get on the train and get your ticket punched , leave yourself the option to get off and get another train if you don't like where this one is taking you . Your destiny is your choice not some one else's . You have got to realize that the person whom you relying on to help in this decision my not be there ten or twenty years from now my have taken another train and your heading some where thinking they were supposed to with you when get there .
            So just make sure the destination you choose is something you can live with is one that can be done with or without anyone . Because you will ultimately be the one to live with it . I felt this was something I just had to off my chest .So excuse my rant and take for what it is worth just a thought .

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