Monday, April 20, 2015

Getting it together

                                 Well I have been in the house with my Baby almost two weeks and things are going better than I expected . I have yet to start on my routine of going to the library to work on my projects . We are still trying to develop some sense of normalcy ,also arrange the house so that it is livable , with four rooms and one small bathroom it can be a little difficult .                                                                                                              Her grand kids love the fact that they can see their Paw Paw at anytime . We have been playing the yard with a ball and bat when it has not been raining . We have been getting a lot of that over the past week . I have beginning to wonder why I have not made this level of commitment sooner . Maybe I had been unsure or just scared of making that leap . I do know that the feeling of being part of a family feels good .                                                                                                                                                                                                   I know we have been part of her life for about twelve years now , we should have made this kind of move a long time ago . I also know there are many things that I should have done . When you live on your own and far from your own family , with no one to share with for guidance that you can trust . I been kind of partly responsible  for not being a part of my daughters life . I just did want her mother involved with my life creating drama and such . With in my opinion , for every action comes an equal or greater reaction . Some of which would take up a lot of unnecessary time and energy to clear up . So I just kind of stepped back and stayed out of the way . I only now regret missing out on my daughter becoming the adult that she has become .                                                                                                                                                          She now has daughter of her own in school , a job with the sheriffs department as a school crossing guard , a house of her own and from what I can see loves her very much . Things that can make a father proud considering the obstacles she had to overcome , A father that was not in her life much and a physical handicap . She has done darn well for her self . I am not sure I should be talking about this , but I am getting a sense of relieve getting this out .                                                                                                                        I have got to say I have been working real had at making this work with my lady . I feel as though that there has to be at least some thing I made work and last in my life . She tells me all the time how important I am to her and how much she and her kids ,and grands love me . Heck even her pit shows the love . Man, that makes feel so good to come home and the dog greets me with excitement . The grands when they come over they look for me to come out and play . Life is good and getting better .

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