Friday, November 14, 2014

   Well, here I am finally back here again . I have no excuses to offer, other than time just got away from me . Its funny how that happens on many things in our lives . You just say to ourselves I will get to it tomorrow , only many tomorrows and a blue moon later you get back to it . When you do you do not remember the draft you had started was about . Heck I do not know where this draft is going to lead either . I , to be honest , have no topic in mind to write about . Part my problem is no Idea's come to mind . I thought to my self if just sit down in front of the keyboard it would some how flow out from the tips of my finger tips .
                    I have not made any real contribution's to my G+ page either for that matter except for birthday wishes . Recently I decided I had better get more involved in my accounts . I just need to find something of myself that worthy of add to the discussion . Here lately it seems I have been on automatic pilot , I just been following the flow of things . I woke up lately and wondered what happened to the time . I had a book idea I started on and have not done anything on it , in about two years or more . I do have a two paragraphs on paper and some notes on ideas I want it to be about . 
                   Its been years since i have anything close to school or any kind of studying ,note taking or research . At times I think I might be to old to do it now . Not that I was any good at it when was in school . I am smart enough to realize that I only did what I had to do to get by . As got older , I began to see that this attitude was not going to carry me through life . A little extra effort goes a long way in your work life and relationships . I just got complacent and spent more of myself on work and my relationship with my lady and not doing anything about me . Its been wake up and go to work and respond to any crisis that she and her family comes up with . I have not done anything with or about who I am . It seems that work and her was all I was about , I basically lost me . I am sorry this is where I have to leave this right here . I hope that when I next sit in front of the keyboard I will meet myself again .

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