Wednesday, February 20, 2013


             I know I have not been consistent in my blogging as I should , but that is something I will have to answer to in my own conscience . But my real reason for right now . A question in mind, came up while was doing some reading for my online class I doing. Intro to philosophy .  Well it was more of a thought . I been wondering okay what is the purpose of philosophy , why do we even go through the exercise at all .
             Most people go through their whole lives with out hearing of the names that where mentioned .Some of them I never heard of them , let alone the ideas that were presented in my reading. The majority of people seem to very happy with their lives . They go through with their daily routine of taking care of their family's , going to work . Some are more concerned with the new music , hair styles or whats going on in the lives of people they don't know , like their favorite reality show .
           Or they blindly follow their pastor or Bishop . They go from church to church , follow them everywhere just to hear his sermon . That is their idea of theory . They may take everything they say as fact .  Then one day you read about this pastor whom may have gone against the teachings of the church . Yet they follow and put these people on a pedestal . Take the as the final authority on what the truth is .
            Don' t get me wrong I have nothing against church . I just saying that people seem to care less about philosophy , They want what is popular , the next in thing . People just want to be the one that's right . They get highly offended if proven wrong . They do not want to discuss theory , and give the prove of that theory . They just want to go up to the drive thru and get their order fast . Its just the quick and easy way . I know I am guilty of it to . Here I am writing this blog , which is taking me away from the reading I need to be getting done . I am not saying its boring , because some of it have opened my eyes to other ideas . Its just a lot of dry reading .
           My point is it just seems senseless that there people whom go through their whole lives in studying theory and come up with a few of there one . When a musician can come up with a three minute long hit and a twelve year old will know his name and every word to the song . Along with personal details of that artists life .
          So how can we go through life without not knowing the theory behind every thing that affects our lives . I often wondered do we really exist , is what i am seeing real , why am I a feeling life form . Is this just impulses just been feed to a gas cloud make me believe all this exists . Or am I going to wake up and find this is just one of many dreams . Just what is real and how do we prove it is happening . Yes one can feel pain and joy , but that can be just impulses . Can it really be as simple as believing its all happening . Where does fact come in , we can not base it all on assumptions can we . Is that we have to touch it to know .  But that can be right either we see the moon but we can't touch . We know its there , we put men on the moon or did we . So what is the ultimate prove . Well I can honestly say because I do not know the answer . Yet I still go through my existence , I go through my daily routine , sleep , eat , work , laugh . read , walk , and so on .
          Its just some thoughts .