Saturday, July 18, 2015

Off to new start somehow

             Well , I gone done it . I have made the hard decision , I have picked up stakes  , and left a relationship of Twelve years . Things were not as they seemed . I found in the last few months she put me some uncomfortable situations . These will not go into . There no need to for I am putting them behind me .
                I have the kindness of my baby brother to thank for helping me get of there . Today not even been here a day I helped gather together some firewood for winter. Filled an application for job at Kellogg's . Did more work , sweated more than I have in a long time .
              I plan on being employed before long , in my own place and my to being me . What ever that is , I do not plan on putting up with no mess just to be someone whom looks at as an afterthought or as in the way ,but she finally realized that you can leave all of a sudden they miss you and need you .
               When I said I can't do this no more , I meant it . There many times I thought the only way out was to jump of bridge in to traffic . It was just not a meaningful existence I was living . I plan getting me back what ever that is .

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