Saturday, December 8, 2012


          I just gave some thought to something ; the Aztec calendar ends in a few days . Should give any credence to what some are saying will be our last day . In the past ten or so years what was to be our last days has come and gone and we are still going forward with life .
        Or should we just take this a day for a new beginning , a new understanding of life . Should we just take this opportunity to make the necessary changes in our life's and the world around us to make it better .
         People we are at a crossroads in our existence here on earth . With the unrest around the world , the people  in our governments cannot agree on anything . I know for myself I just want a fair chance according to the effort that I put in to my life . We only get out of our existence in this world what we put in to it . What gives people the idea that it is owed to them . People we have to work for it . We want peace on earth , well it has to be earned it just don't happen ,there is work involved . We want the good life well don't sit there and wait for the lottery or our governments to give it to us . We have go out into the world and seek it . Its not the end of the world because publishers clearing house did not knock on our door and hand you that big check .
           Living is not in the receiving , it is the journey toward our goals . It is never to late to turn things around . Like me for instance , I am trying to make some changes in my life , hopefully they will be for the better . I am also realistic enough to know it will not happen over night . First you must convince those around the changes are here to stay . You must be diligent in and constant in your efforts . No slip ups allowed . Do not not take to big of a step at first or you will fail .Take that first small step ,then the next and so on till you get the results you are looking for . If we change ourselves just maybe the world will begin to change . Am I making any since here ;I hope so . For me the trick is to take my own advise and follow through with it . I have made some small steps , the hard part is overlooking the critics . They constantly badger you with WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS ,WHATS IT GOING TO DO FOR YOU .  I just must continue on my own path and not worry about those who do not understand .
           So are we ready for what may be the end of the world or what may a new beginning . We will know soon wont we .

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