Thursday, November 15, 2012


                             As I sit here this mourning , listening to the news I begin to wonder is there anything positive happening in the world . The recent controversy in the past week , the senate investigation , the recent unemployment numbers , the trouble's going on through out the mid east , and the on going recession in Europe . With all this going on I begin to wonder how we are going to get to the other side and when it will happen .
                            But then I remember all the trials and tribulation's that we as a human race have gone through history . We always some how make a way . It may take awhile but it will happen . We are resilient and adapt to our surroundings . We all just have to some how come together ; but that's the bite . We all have different ideas on what should be ,and how things need to occur . \
                         So how do we make that first step , first it must occur where we do have control over in our own little universe . By making that first step in our needs . We must find a way to take care of our family's . Increasingly are finding that we can not rely on our governments for the answers . So must on our own do what is necessary . We must work hard at the jobs we do have and some how make the ends meet . Maybe in so doing ; not giving up we may on our own turn the economy around . It's up to us to find a way while our officials argue among them selves and in public view on TV .
                          I don't have have the answers on how this can be done ; but by our perseverance we may accomplish this . What I am saying is I am sick and tired of being sick and tired . I know there is a better life out there for me . We just work day in and day out ,wondering how long our jobs will last .
                         I not sitting here complaining , I enjoy working hard and having something to to do each day . Its the stress of what our governments are putting in our way of success . Well I think I said enough ; I will keep on keeping on and I am sure every one out there will do the same .

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